
Last Built: Jan 06, 2020

Source code for pyffi.formats.nif

:mod:`pyffi.formats.nif` --- NetImmerse/Gamebryo (.nif and .kf)


.. autoclass:: NifFormat

Regression tests

These tests are used to check for functionality and bugs in the library.
They also provide code examples which you may find useful.

Read a NIF file

>>> from os.path import dirname
>>> dirpath = __file__
>>> for i in range(4): #recurse up to root repo dir
...     dirpath = dirname(dirpath)
>>> repo_root = dirpath
>>> format_root = os.path.join(repo_root, 'tests', 'spells', 'nif', 'files')
>>> stream = open(os.path.join(format_root, 'test.nif'), 'rb')
>>> data = NifFormat.Data()
>>> # inspect is optional; it will not read the actual blocks
>>> data.inspect(stream)
>>> hex(data.version)
>>> data.user_version
>>> for blocktype in data.header.block_types:
...     print(blocktype.decode("ascii"))
>>> data.roots # blocks have not been read yet, so this is an empty list
>>> for root in data.roots:
...     for block in root.tree():
...         if isinstance(block, NifFormat.NiNode):
...             print("ascii"))
>>> stream.close()

Parse all NIF files in a directory tree
>>> for stream, data in NifFormat.walkData(format_root):
...     try:
...         # the replace call makes the doctest also pass on windows
...         os_path =
...         split = (os_path.split(os.sep))[-5:]
...         rejoin = os.path.join(*split).replace(os.sep, "/")
...         print("reading %s" % rejoin)
...     except Exception:
...         print(
...             "Warning: read failed due corrupt file,"
...             " corrupt format description, or bug.") # doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF
reading tests/spells/nif/files/invalid.nif
Warning: read failed due corrupt file, corrupt format description, or bug.
reading tests/spells/nif/files/nds.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/neosteam.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_centerradius.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_check_tangentspace1.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_check_tangentspace2.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_check_tangentspace3.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_check_tangentspace4.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_convexverticesshape.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_dump_tex.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_clampmaterialalpha.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_cleanstringpalette.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_detachhavoktristripsdata.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_disableparallax.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_ffvt3rskinpartition.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_mergeskeletonroots.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_tangentspace.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_fix_texturepath.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_grid_128x128.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_grid_64x64.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_mopp.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_collision_complex_mopp.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_collision_mopp.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_collision_packed.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_collision_to_boxshape.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_collision_to_boxshape_notabox.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_collision_unpacked.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_delunusedbones.nif

reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_dupverts.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_emptyproperties.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_grid_layout.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_mergeduplicates.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_vertex_cache.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_opt_zeroscale.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_skincenterradius.nif
reading tests/spells/nif/files/test_vertexcolor.nif

Create a NIF model from scratch and write to file

>>> root = NifFormat.NiNode()
>>> = 'Scene Root'
>>> blk = NifFormat.NiNode()
>>> root.add_child(blk)
>>> = 'new block'
>>> blk.scale = 2.4
>>> blk.translation.x = 3.9
>>> blk.rotation.m_11 = 1.0
>>> blk.rotation.m_22 = 1.0
>>> blk.rotation.m_33 = 1.0
>>> ctrl = NifFormat.NiVisController()
>>> ctrl.flags = 0x000c
>>> = blk
>>> blk.add_controller(ctrl)
>>> blk.add_controller(NifFormat.NiAlphaController())
>>> strips = NifFormat.NiTriStrips()
>>> root.add_child(strips, front = True)
>>> = "hello world"
>>> strips.rotation.m_11 = 1.0
>>> strips.rotation.m_22 = 1.0
>>> strips.rotation.m_33 = 1.0
>>> data = NifFormat.NiTriStripsData()
>>> = data
>>> data.num_vertices = 5
>>> data.has_vertices = True
>>> data.vertices.update_size()
>>> for i, v in enumerate(data.vertices):
...     v.x = 1.0+i/10.0
...     v.y = 0.2+1.0/(i+1)
...     v.z = 0.03
>>> data.update_center_radius()
>>> data.num_strips = 2
>>> data.strip_lengths.update_size()
>>> data.strip_lengths[0] = 3
>>> data.strip_lengths[1] = 4
>>> data.has_points = True
>>> data.points.update_size()
>>> data.points[0][0] = 0
>>> data.points[0][1] = 1
>>> data.points[0][2] = 2
>>> data.points[1][0] = 1
>>> data.points[1][1] = 2
>>> data.points[1][2] = 3
>>> data.points[1][3] = 4
>>> data.num_uv_sets = 1
>>> data.has_uv = True
>>> data.uv_sets.update_size()
>>> for i, v in enumerate(data.uv_sets[0]):
...     v.u = 1.0-i/10.0
...     v.v = 1.0/(i+1)
>>> data.has_normals = True
>>> data.normals.update_size()
>>> for i, v in enumerate(data.normals):
...     v.x = 0.0
...     v.y = 0.0
...     v.z = 1.0
>>> strips.update_tangent_space()
>>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>>> stream = TemporaryFile()
>>> nifdata = NifFormat.Data(version=0x14010003, user_version=10)
>>> nifdata.roots = [root]
>>> nifdata.write(stream)
>>> stream.close()

Get list of versions and games

>>> for vnum in sorted(NifFormat.versions.values()):
...     print('0x%08X' % vnum) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
>>> for game, versions in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[0]):
...     print("%s " % game + " ".join('0x%08X' % vnum for vnum in versions)) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
? 0x0A000103
Atlantica 0x14020008
Axis and Allies 0x0A010000
Bully SE 0x14030009
Civilization IV 0x04020002 0x04020100 0x04020200 0x0A000100 0x0A010000 \
0x0A020000 0x14000004
Culpa Innata 0x04020200
Dark Age of Camelot 0x02030000 0x03000300 0x03010000 0x0401000C 0x04020100 \
0x04020200 0x0A010000
Divinity 2 0x14030009
Emerge 0x14020007 0x14020008 0x14030001 0x14030002 0x14030003 0x14030006 \
Empire Earth II 0x04020200 0x0A010000
Empire Earth III 0x14020007 0x14020008
Entropia Universe 0x0A010000
Epic Mickey 0x14060500
Fallout 3 0x14020007
Freedom Force 0x04000000 0x04000002
Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich 0x0A010000
Howling Sword 0x14030009
Kohan 2 0x0A010000
KrazyRain 0x14050000 0x14060000
Lazeska 0x14030009
Loki 0x0A020000
Megami Tensei: Imagine 0x14010003
Morrowind 0x04000002
NeoSteam 0x0A010000
Oblivion 0x0303000D 0x0A000100 0x0A000102 0x0A010065 0x0A01006A 0x0A020000 0x14000004 \
Prison Tycoon 0x0A020000
Pro Cycling Manager 0x0A020000
Red Ocean 0x0A020000
Rocksmith 0x1E010003
Rocksmith 2014 0x1E010003
Sid Meier's Railroads 0x14000004
Skyrim 0x14020007
Star Trek: Bridge Commander 0x03000000 0x03010000
The Guild 2 0x0A010000
Warhammer 0x14030009
Wildlife Park 2 0x0A010000 0x0A020000
Worldshift 0x0A020001 0x0A040001
Zoo Tycoon 2 0x0A000100

Reading an unsupported NIF file
>>> file = os.path.join(format_root, 'invalid.nif')
>>> stream = open(file, 'rb')
>>> data = NifFormat.Data()
>>> data.inspect(stream) # the file seems ok on inspection
>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ...
>>> stream.close()

Template types

>>> block = NifFormat.NiTextKeyExtraData()
>>> block.num_text_keys = 1
>>> block.text_keys.update_size()
>>> block.text_keys[0].time = 1.0
>>> block.text_keys[0].value = 'hi'


>>> NifFormat.NiNode._has_links
>>> NifFormat.NiBone._has_links
>>> skelroot = NifFormat.NiNode()
>>> geom = NifFormat.NiTriShape()
>>> geom.skin_instance = NifFormat.NiSkinInstance()
>>> geom.skin_instance.skeleton_root = skelroot
>>> [block.__class__.__name__ for block in geom.get_refs()]
>>> [block.__class__.__name__ for block in geom.get_links()]
>>> [block.__class__.__name__ for block in geom.skin_instance.get_refs()]
>>> [block.__class__.__name__ for block in geom.skin_instance.get_links()]


>>> extra = NifFormat.NiTextKeyExtraData()
>>> extra.num_text_keys = 2
>>> extra.text_keys.update_size()
>>> extra.text_keys[0].time = 0.0
>>> extra.text_keys[0].value = "start"
>>> extra.text_keys[1].time = 2.0
>>> extra.text_keys[1].value = "end"
>>> for extrastr in extra.get_strings(None):
...     print(extrastr.decode("ascii"))

# Copyright (c) 2007-2012, NIF File Format Library and Tools.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
#    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
#      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
#      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
#      with the distribution.
#    * Neither the name of the NIF File Format Library and Tools
#      project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
#      or promote products derived from this software without specific
#      prior written permission.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

from itertools import repeat, chain
import logging
import math # math.pi
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
import warnings
import weakref

import pyffi.formats.bsa
import pyffi.object_models.common
import pyffi.object_models
from pyffi.object_models.xml import FileFormat
import pyffi.utils.inertia
from pyffi.utils.mathutils import * # XXX todo get rid of from XXX import *
import pyffi.utils.mopp
import pyffi.utils.tristrip
import pyffi.utils.vertex_cache
import pyffi.utils.quickhull
# XXX convert the following to absolute imports
from pyffi.object_models.editable import EditableBoolComboBox
from pyffi.utils.graph import EdgeFilter
from pyffi.object_models.xml.basic import BasicBase
from pyffi.object_models.xml.struct_ import StructBase

[docs]class NifFormat(FileFormat): """This class contains the generated classes from the xml.""" xml_file_name = 'nif.xml' # where to look for nif.xml and in what order: NIFXMLPATH env var, # or NifFormat module directory xml_file_path = [os.getenv('NIFXMLPATH'), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "nifxml")] # filter for recognizing NIF files by extension # .kf are NIF files containing keyframes # .kfa are NIF files containing keyframes in DAoC style # .nifcache are Empire Earth II NIF files # .texcache are Empire Earth II/III packed texture NIF files # .pcpatch are Empire Earth II/III packed texture NIF files # .item are Divinity 2 NIF files # .nft are Bully SE NIF files (containing textures) # .nif_wii are Epic Mickey NIF files RE_FILENAME = re.compile(r'^.*\.(nif|kf|kfa|nifcache|jmi|texcache|pcpatch|nft|item|nif_wii)$', re.IGNORECASE) # archives ARCHIVE_CLASSES = [pyffi.formats.bsa.BsaFormat] # used for comparing floats EPSILON = 0.0001 # basic types ulittle32 = pyffi.object_models.common.ULittle32 int = pyffi.object_models.common.Int uint = pyffi.object_models.common.UInt byte = pyffi.object_models.common.UByte # not a typo char = pyffi.object_models.common.Char short = pyffi.object_models.common.Short ushort = pyffi.object_models.common.UShort float = pyffi.object_models.common.Float BlockTypeIndex = pyffi.object_models.common.UShort StringIndex = pyffi.object_models.common.UInt SizedString = pyffi.object_models.common.SizedString # implementation of nif-specific basic types
[docs] class StringOffset(pyffi.object_models.common.Int): """This is just an integer with -1 as default value.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): pyffi.object_models.common.Int.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_value(-1)
[docs] class bool(BasicBase, EditableBoolComboBox): """Basic implementation of a 32-bit (8-bit for versions > boolean type. >>> i = NifFormat.bool() >>> i.set_value('false') >>> i.get_value() False >>> i.set_value('true') >>> i.get_value() True """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): BasicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_value(False)
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): if value.lower() == 'false': self._value = False return elif value == '0': self._value = False return if value: self._value = True else: self._value = False
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): ver = data.version if data else -1 if ver > 0x04000002: return 1 else: return 4
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return self._value
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): if data.version > 0x04000002: value, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'B', else: value, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'I', self._value = bool(value)
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): if data.version > 0x04000002: stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'B', int(self._value))) else: stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'I', int(self._value)))
[docs] class Flags(pyffi.object_models.common.UShort): def __str__(self): return hex(self.get_value())
[docs] class Ref(BasicBase): """Reference to another block.""" _is_template = True _has_links = True _has_refs = True def __init__(self, **kwargs): BasicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._template = kwargs.get("template") self.set_value(None)
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): if value is None: self._value = None else: if self._template != None: if not isinstance(value, self._template): raise TypeError( 'expected an instance of %s but got instance of %s' % (self._template, value.__class__)) self._value = value
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): return 4
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): if self.get_value(): return self.get_value().get_hash(data) else: return None
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): self.set_value(None) # fix_links will set this field block_index, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'i', data._link_stack.append(block_index)
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): """Write block reference.""" if self.get_value() is None: # -1: link by number, 0: link by pointer block_index = -1 if data.version >= 0x0303000D else 0 else: try: block_index = data._block_index_dct[self.get_value()] except KeyError: logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.ref").warn( "%s block is missing from the nif tree:" " omitting reference" % self.get_value().__class__.__name__) # -1: link by number, 0: link by pointer block_index = -1 if data.version >= 0x0303000D else 0 stream.write(struct.pack( data._byte_order + 'i', block_index))
[docs] def get_refs(self, data=None): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: return [val] else: return []
[docs] def replace_global_node(self, oldbranch, newbranch, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()): """ >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> x = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> y = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> z = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> x.add_child(y) >>> x.children[0] is y True >>> x.children[0] is z False >>> x.replace_global_node(y, z) >>> x.children[0] is y False >>> x.children[0] is z True >>> x.replace_global_node(z, None) >>> x.children[0] is None True """ if self.get_value() is oldbranch: # set_value takes care of template type self.set_value(newbranch) #print("replacing", repr(oldbranch), "->", repr(newbranch)) if self.get_value() is not None: self.get_value().replace_global_node(oldbranch, newbranch)
[docs] def get_detail_display(self): # return the node itself, if it is not None if self.get_value() is not None: return self.get_value() else: return "None"
[docs] class Ptr(Ref): """A weak reference to another block, used to point up the hierarchy tree. The reference is not returned by the L{get_refs} function to avoid infinite recursion.""" _is_template = True _has_links = True _has_refs = False # use weak reference to aid garbage collection
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value() if self._value is not None else None
[docs] def set_value(self, value): if value is None: self._value = None else: if self._template != None: if not isinstance(value, self._template): raise TypeError( 'expected an instance of %s but got instance of %s' % (self._template, value.__class__)) self._value = weakref.ref(value)
def __str__(self): # avoid infinite recursion return '%s instance at 0x%08X'%(self._value.__class__, id(self._value))
[docs] def get_refs(self, data=None): return []
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return None
[docs] def replace_global_node(self, oldbranch, newbranch, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()): # overridden to avoid infinite recursion if self.get_value() is oldbranch: self.set_value(newbranch)
#print("replacing", repr(oldbranch), "->", repr(newbranch))
[docs] class LineString(BasicBase): """Basic type for strings ending in a newline character (0x0a). >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> f = TemporaryFile() >>> l = NifFormat.LineString() >>> f.write('abcdefg\\x0a'.encode()) 8 >>> 0 >>> >>> str(l) 'abcdefg' >>> 0 >>> l.set_value('Hi There') >>> l.write(f) >>> 0 >>> m = NifFormat.LineString() >>> >>> str(m) 'Hi There' """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): BasicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_value('')
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): self._value = pyffi.object_models.common._as_bytes(value).rstrip('\x0a'.encode("ascii"))
def __str__(self): return pyffi.object_models.common._as_str(self._value)
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): return len(self._value) + 1 # +1 for trailing endline
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return self.get_value()
[docs] def read(self, stream, data=None): self._value = stream.readline().rstrip('\x0a'.encode("ascii"))
[docs] def write(self, stream, data=None): stream.write(self._value) stream.write("\x0a".encode("ascii"))
[docs] class HeaderString(BasicBase): def __str__(self): return 'NetImmerse/Gamebryo File Format, Version x.x.x.x'
[docs] def get_detail_display(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return None
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): version_string = self.version_string(data.version, data.modification) s = if s != version_string.encode("ascii"): raise ValueError( "invalid NIF header: expected '%s' but got '%s'" % (version_string, s)) # for almost all nifs we have version_string + \x0a # but Bully SE has some nifs with version_string + \x0d\x0a # see for example World/BBonusB.nft eol = if eol == '\x0d'.encode("ascii"): eol = if eol != '\x0a'.encode("ascii"): raise ValueError( "invalid NIF header: bad version string eol")
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): stream.write(self.version_string(data.version, data.modification).encode("ascii")) stream.write('\x0a'.encode("ascii"))
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): ver = data.version if data else -1 return len(self.version_string(ver).encode("ascii")) + 1
[docs] @staticmethod def version_string(version, modification=None): """Transforms version number into a version string. >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x03000300) 'NetImmerse File Format, Version 3.03' >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x03010000) 'NetImmerse File Format, Version 3.1' >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x0A000100) 'NetImmerse File Format, Version' >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x0A010000) 'Gamebryo File Format, Version' >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x0A010000, ... modification="neosteam") 'NS' >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x14020008, ... modification="ndoors") 'NDSNIF....@....@...., Version' >>> NifFormat.HeaderString.version_string(0x14030009, ... modification="jmihs1") 'Joymaster HS1 Object Format - (JMI), Version' """ if version == -1 or version is None: raise ValueError('No string for version %s.'%version) if modification == "neosteam": if version != 0x0A010000: raise ValueError("NeoSteam must have version 0x0A010000.") return "NS" elif version <= 0x0A000102: s = "NetImmerse" else: s = "Gamebryo" if version == 0x03000300: v = "3.03" elif version <= 0x03010000: v = "%i.%i"%((version >> 24) & 0xff, (version >> 16) & 0xff) else: v = "%i.%i.%i.%i"%((version >> 24) & 0xff, (version >> 16) & 0xff, (version >> 8) & 0xff, version & 0xff) if modification == "ndoors": return "NDSNIF....@....@...., Version %s" % v elif modification == "jmihs1": return "Joymaster HS1 Object Format - (JMI), Version %s" % v else: return "%s File Format, Version %s" % (s, v)
[docs] class FileVersion(pyffi.object_models.common.UInt):
[docs] def set_value(self): raise NotImplementedError("file version is specified via data")
def __str__(self): return '0x%08X' % self._value
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): modification = data.modification ver, = struct.unpack('<I', # always little endian if (not modification) or modification == "jmihs1": if ver != data.version: raise ValueError( "Invalid version number: " "expected 0x%08X but got 0x%08X." % (data.version, ver)) elif modification == "neosteam": if ver != 0x08F35232: raise ValueError( "Invalid NeoSteam version number: " "expected 0x%08X but got 0x%08X." % (0x08F35232, ver)) elif modification == "ndoors": if ver != 0x73615F67: raise ValueError( "Invalid Ndoors version number: " "expected 0x%08X but got 0x%08X." % (0x73615F67, ver)) elif modification == "laxelore": if ver != 0x5A000004: raise ValueError( "Invalid Laxe Lore version number: " "expected 0x%08X but got 0x%08X." % (0x5A000004, ver)) else: raise ValueError( "unknown modification: '%s'" % modification) self._value = data.version
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): # always little endian modification = data.modification if (not modification) or modification == "jmihs1": stream.write(struct.pack('<I', data.version)) elif modification == "neosteam": stream.write(struct.pack('<I', 0x08F35232)) elif modification == "ndoors": stream.write(struct.pack('<I', 0x73615F67)) elif modification == "laxelore": stream.write(struct.pack('<I', 0x5A000004)) else: raise ValueError( "unknown modification: '%s'" % modification)
[docs] def get_detail_display(self): # todo: x.x.x.x display? return '0x%08X' % self._value
[docs] class ShortString(BasicBase): """Another type for strings.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): BasicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._value = ''.encode("ascii")
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): val = pyffi.object_models.common._as_bytes(value) if len(val) > 254: raise ValueError('string too long') self._value = val
def __str__(self): return pyffi.object_models.common._as_str(self._value)
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): # length byte + string chars + zero byte return len(self._value) + 2
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return self.get_value()
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): n, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'B', self._value ='\x00'.encode("ascii"))
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'B', len(self._value)+1)) stream.write(self._value) stream.write('\x00'.encode("ascii"))
[docs] class string(SizedString): _has_strings = True
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): ver = data.version if data else -1 if ver >= 0x14010003: return 4 else: return 4 + len(self._value)
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): n, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'i', if data.version >= 0x14010003: if n == -1: self._value = ''.encode("ascii") else: try: self._value = data._string_list[n] except IndexError: raise ValueError('string index too large (%i)'%n) else: if n > 10000: raise ValueError('string too long (0x%08X at 0x%08X)' % (n, stream.tell())) self._value =
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): if data.version >= 0x14010003: if not self._value: stream.write( struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'i', -1)) else: try: stream.write(struct.pack( data._byte_order + 'i', data._string_list.index(self._value))) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "string '%s' not in string list" % self._value) else: stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'I', len(self._value))) stream.write(self._value)
[docs] def get_strings(self, data): if self._value: return [self._value] else: return []
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return self.get_value()
# other types with internal implementation
[docs] class FilePath(string): """A file path."""
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): """Returns a case insensitive hash value.""" return self.get_value().lower()
[docs] class ByteArray(BasicBase): """Array (list) of bytes. Implemented as basic type to speed up reading and also to prevent data to be dumped by __str__.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): BasicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_value("".encode()) # b'' for > py25
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): self._value = pyffi.object_models.common._as_bytes(value)
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): return len(self._value) + 4
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return self._value.__hash__()
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): size, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'I', self._value =
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'I', len(self._value))) stream.write(self._value)
def __str__(self): return "< %i Bytes >" % len(self._value)
[docs] class ByteMatrix(BasicBase): """Matrix of bytes. Implemented as basic type to speed up reading and to prevent data being dumped by __str__.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): BasicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_value([])
[docs] def get_value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): assert(isinstance(value, list)) if value: size1 = len(value[0]) for x in value: # TODO fix this for py3k #assert(isinstance(x, basestring)) assert(len(x) == size1) self._value = value # should be a list of strings of bytes
[docs] def get_size(self, data=None): if len(self._value) == 0: return 8 else: return len(self._value) * len(self._value[0]) + 8
[docs] def get_hash(self, data=None): return tuple( x.__hash__() for x in self._value )
[docs] def read(self, stream, data): size1, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'I', size2, = struct.unpack(data._byte_order + 'I', self._value = [] for i in range(size2): self._value.append(
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): if self._value: stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'I', len(self._value[0]))) else: stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'I', 0)) stream.write(struct.pack(data._byte_order + 'I', len(self._value))) for x in self._value: stream.write(x)
def __str__(self): size1 = len(self._value[0]) if self._value else 0 size2 = len(self._value) return "< %ix%i Bytes >" % (size2, size1)
[docs] @staticmethod def version_number(version_str): """Converts version string into an integer. :param version_str: The version string. :type version_str: str :return: A version integer. >>> hex(NifFormat.version_number('')) '0x30e0f1d' >>> hex(NifFormat.version_number('1.2')) '0x1020000' >>> hex(NifFormat.version_number('3.03')) '0x3000300' >>> hex(NifFormat.version_number('NS')) '0xa010000' """ # 3.03 case is special if version_str == '3.03': return 0x03000300 # NS (neosteam) case is special if version_str == 'NS': return 0x0A010000 try: ver_list = [int(x) for x in version_str.split('.')] except ValueError: return -1 # version not supported (i.e. version_str '' would trigger this) if len(ver_list) > 4 or len(ver_list) < 1: return -1 # version not supported for ver_digit in ver_list: if (ver_digit | 0xff) > 0xff: return -1 # version not supported while len(ver_list) < 4: ver_list.append(0) return (ver_list[0] << 24) + (ver_list[1] << 16) + (ver_list[2] << 8) + ver_list[3]
# exceptions
[docs] class NifError(Exception): """Standard nif exception class.""" pass
[docs] class Data(pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data): """A class to contain the actual nif data. Note that L{header} and L{blocks} are not automatically kept in sync with the rest of the nif data, but they are resynchronized when calling L{write}. :ivar version: The nif version. :type version: ``int`` :ivar user_version: The nif user version. :type user_version: ``int`` :ivar user_version_2: The nif user version 2. :type user_version_2: ``int`` :ivar roots: List of root blocks. :type roots: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiObject} :ivar header: The nif header. :type header: L{NifFormat.Header} :ivar blocks: List of blocks. :type blocks: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiObject} :ivar modification: Neo Steam ("neosteam") or Ndoors ("ndoors") or Joymaster Interactive Howling Sword ("jmihs1") or Laxe Lore ("laxelore") style nif? :type modification: ``str`` """ _link_stack = None _block_dct = None _string_list = None _block_index_dct = None
[docs] class VersionUInt(pyffi.object_models.common.UInt):
[docs] def set_value(self, value): if value is None: self._value = None else: pyffi.object_models.common.UInt.set_value(self, value)
def __str__(self): if self._value is None: return "None" else: return "0x%08X" % self.get_value()
[docs] def get_detail_display(self): return self.__str__()
def __init__(self, version=0x04000002, user_version=0, user_version_2=0): """Initialize nif data. By default, this creates an empty nif document of the given version and user version. :param version: The version. :type version: ``int`` :param user_version: The user version. :type user_version: ``int`` """ # the version numbers are stored outside the header structure self._version_value_ = self.VersionUInt() self._version_value_.set_value(version) self._user_version_value_ = self.VersionUInt() self._user_version_value_.set_value(user_version) self._user_version_2_value_ = self.VersionUInt() self._user_version_2_value_.set_value(user_version_2) # create new header self.header = NifFormat.Header() # empty list of root blocks (this encodes the footer) self.roots = [] # empty list of blocks self.blocks = [] # not a neosteam or ndoors nif self.modification = None def _getVersion(self): return self._version_value_.get_value() def _setVersion(self, value): self._version_value_.set_value(value) def _getUserVersion(self): return self._user_version_value_.get_value() def _setUserVersion(self, value): self._user_version_value_.set_value(value) def _getUserVersion2(self): return self._user_version_2_value_.get_value() def _setUserVersion2(self, value): self._user_version_2_value_.set_value(value) version = property(_getVersion, _setVersion) user_version = property(_getUserVersion, _setUserVersion) user_version_2 = property(_getUserVersion2, _setUserVersion2) # new functions
[docs] def inspect_version_only(self, stream): """This function checks the version only, and is faster than the usual inspect function (which reads the full header). Sets the L{version} and L{user_version} instance variables if the stream contains a valid NIF file. Call this function if you simply wish to check that a file is a NIF file without having to parse even the header. :raise ``ValueError``: If the stream does not contain a NIF file. :param stream: The stream from which to read. :type stream: ``file`` """ pos = stream.tell() try: s = stream.readline(64).rstrip() finally: self.modification = None if s.startswith("NetImmerse File Format, Version ".encode("ascii")): version_str = s[32:].decode("ascii") elif s.startswith("Gamebryo File Format, Version ".encode("ascii")): version_str = s[30:].decode("ascii") elif s.startswith("NS".encode("ascii")): # neosteam version_str = "NS" self.modification = "neosteam" elif s.startswith("NDSNIF....@....@...., Version ".encode("ascii")): version_str = s[30:].decode("ascii") self.modification = "ndoors" elif s.startswith("Joymaster HS1 Object Format - (JMI), Version ".encode("ascii")): version_str = s[45:].decode("ascii") self.modification = "jmihs1" else: raise ValueError("Not a NIF file.") try: ver = NifFormat.version_number(version_str) except: raise ValueError("Nif version %s not supported." % version_str) if not ver in list(NifFormat.versions.values()): raise ValueError("Nif version %s not supported." % version_str) # check version integer and user version userver = 0 userver2 = 0 if ver >= 0x0303000D: ver_int = None try: stream.readline(64) ver_int, = struct.unpack('<I', # special case for Laxe Lore if ver_int == 0x5A000004 and ver == 0x14000004: self.modification = "laxelore" # neosteam and ndoors have a special version integer elif (not self.modification) or self.modification == "jmihs1": if ver_int != ver: raise ValueError( "Corrupted NIF file: header version string %s" " does not correspond with header version field" " 0x%08X." % (version_str, ver_int)) elif self.modification == "neosteam": if ver_int != 0x08F35232: raise ValueError( "Corrupted NIF file: invalid NeoSteam version.") elif self.modification == "ndoors": if ver_int != 0x73615F67: raise ValueError( "Corrupted NIF file: invalid Ndoors version.") if ver >= 0x14000004: endian_type, = struct.unpack('<B', if endian_type == 0: # big endian! self._byte_order = '>' if ver >= 0x0A010000: userver, = struct.unpack('<I', if userver >= 10: # number of blocks userver2, = struct.unpack('<I', finally: self.version = ver self.user_version = userver self.user_version_2 = userver2
# GlobalNode
[docs] def get_global_child_nodes(self, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()): return (root for root in self.roots)
# DetailNode
[docs] def replace_global_node(self, oldbranch, newbranch, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()): for i, root in enumerate(self.roots): if root is oldbranch: self.roots[i] = newbranch else: root.replace_global_node(oldbranch, newbranch, edge_filter=edge_filter)
[docs] def get_detail_child_nodes(self, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()): yield self._version_value_ yield self._user_version_value_ yield self._user_version_2_value_ yield self.header
[docs] def get_detail_child_names(self, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()): yield "Version" yield "User Version" yield "User Version 2" yield "Header"
# overriding pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data methods
[docs] def inspect(self, stream): """Quickly checks whether the stream appears to contain nif data, and read the nif header. Resets stream to original position. Call this function if you only need to inspect the header of the nif. :param stream: The file to inspect. :type stream: ``file`` """ pos = stream.tell() try: self.inspect_version_only(stream), data=self) finally:
[docs] def read(self, stream): """Read a NIF file. Does not reset stream position. :param stream: The stream from which to read. :type stream: ``file`` """ logger = logging.getLogger("") # read header logger.debug("Reading header at 0x%08X" % stream.tell()) self.inspect_version_only(stream) logger.debug("Version 0x%08X" % self.version), data=self) # list of root blocks # for versions < this list is updated through the # "Top Level Object" string while reading the blocks # for more recent versions, this list is updated at the end when the # footer is read self.roots = [] # read the blocks self._link_stack = [] # list of indices, as they are added to the stack self._string_list = [s for s in self.header.strings] self._block_dct = {} # maps block index to actual block self.blocks = [] # records all blocks as read from file in order block_num = 0 # the current block numner while True: if self.version < 0x0303000D: # check if this is a 'Top Level Object' pos = stream.tell() top_level_str = NifFormat.SizedString(), data=self) top_level_str = str(top_level_str) if top_level_str == "Top Level Object": is_root = True else: is_root = False else: # signal as no root for now, roots are added when the footer # is read is_root = False # get block name if self.version >= 0x05000001: # note the 0xfff mask: required for the NiPhysX blocks block_type = self.header.block_types[ self.header.block_type_index[block_num] & 0xfff] block_type = block_type.decode("ascii") # handle data stream classes if block_type.startswith("NiDataStream\x01"): block_type, data_stream_usage, data_stream_access = block_type.split("\x01") data_stream_usage = int(data_stream_usage) data_stream_access = int(data_stream_access) # read dummy integer # bhk blocks are *not* preceeded by a dummy if self.version <= 0x0A01006A and not block_type.startswith("bhk"): dummy, = struct.unpack(self._byte_order + 'I', if dummy != 0: raise NifFormat.NifError( 'non-zero block tag 0x%08X at 0x%08X)' %(dummy, stream.tell())) else: block_type = NifFormat.SizedString(), self) block_type = block_type.get_value().decode("ascii") # get the block index if self.version >= 0x0303000D: # for these versions the block index is simply the block number block_index = block_num else: # earlier versions # the number of blocks is not in the header # and a special block type string marks the end of the file if block_type == "End Of File": break # read the block index, which is probably the memory # location of the object when it was written to # memory else: block_index, = struct.unpack( self._byte_order + 'I', if block_index in self._block_dct: raise NifFormat.NifError( 'duplicate block index (0x%08X at 0x%08X)' %(block_index, stream.tell())) # create the block try: block = getattr(NifFormat, block_type)() except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "Unknown block type '%s'." % block_type) logger.debug("Reading %s block at 0x%08X" % (block_type, stream.tell())) # read the block try:, self) except: logger.exception("Reading %s failed" % block.__class__) #logger.error("link stack: %s" % self._link_stack) #logger.error("block that failed:") #logger.error("%s" % block) raise # complete NiDataStream data if block_type == "NiDataStream": block.usage = data_stream_usage block.access.populate_attribute_values(data_stream_access, self) # store block index self._block_dct[block_index] = block self.blocks.append(block) # check block size if self.version >= 0x14020007: logger.debug("Checking block size") calculated_size = block.get_size(data=self) if calculated_size != self.header.block_size[block_num]: extra_size = self.header.block_size[block_num] - calculated_size logger.error( "Block size check failed: corrupt NIF file " "or bad nif.xml?") logger.error("Skipping %i bytes in %s" % (extra_size, block.__class__.__name__)) # skip bytes that were missed, 1) # add block to roots if flagged as such if is_root: self.roots.append(block) # check if we are done block_num += 1 if self.version >= 0x0303000D: if block_num >= self.header.num_blocks: break # read footer ftr = NifFormat.Footer(), self) # check if we are at the end of the file if logger.error( 'End of file not reached: corrupt NIF file?') # fix links in blocks and footer (header has no links) for block in self.blocks: block.fix_links(self) ftr.fix_links(self) # the link stack should be empty now if self._link_stack: raise NifFormat.NifError('not all links have been popped from the stack (bug?)') # add root objects in footer to roots list if self.version >= 0x0303000D: for root in ftr.roots: self.roots.append(root)
[docs] def write(self, stream): """Write a NIF file. The L{header} and the L{blocks} are recalculated from the tree at L{roots} (e.g. list of block types, number of blocks, list of block types, list of strings, list of block sizes etc.). :param stream: The stream to which to write. :type stream: file """ logger = logging.getLogger("") # set up index and type dictionary self.blocks = [] # list of all blocks to be written self._block_index_dct = {} # maps block to block index block_type_list = [] # list of all block type strings block_type_dct = {} # maps block to block type string index self._string_list = [] for root in self.roots: self._makeBlockList(root, self._block_index_dct, block_type_list, block_type_dct) for block in root.tree(): self._string_list.extend( block.get_strings(self)) self._string_list = list(set(self._string_list)) # ensure unique elements #print(self._string_list) # debug self.header.user_version = self.user_version # TODO dedicated type for user_version similar to FileVersion # for oblivion CS; apparently this is the version of the bhk blocks self.header.user_version_2 = self.user_version_2 self.header.num_blocks = len(self.blocks) self.header.num_block_types = len(block_type_list) self.header.block_types.update_size() for i, block_type in enumerate(block_type_list): self.header.block_types[i] = block_type self.header.block_type_index.update_size() for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks): self.header.block_type_index[i] = block_type_dct[block] self.header.num_strings = len(self._string_list) if self._string_list: self.header.max_string_length = max([len(s) for s in self._string_list]) else: self.header.max_string_length = 0 self.header.strings.update_size() for i, s in enumerate(self._string_list): self.header.strings[i] = s self.header.block_size.update_size() for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks): self.header.block_size[i] = block.get_size(data=self) #if verbose >= 2: # print(hdr) # set up footer ftr = NifFormat.Footer() ftr.num_roots = len(self.roots) ftr.roots.update_size() for i, root in enumerate(self.roots): ftr.roots[i] = root # write the file logger.debug("Writing header") #logger.debug("%s" % self.header) self.header.write(stream, self) for block in self.blocks: # signal top level object if block is a root object if self.version < 0x0303000D and block in self.roots: s = NifFormat.SizedString() s.set_value("Top Level Object") s.write(stream, self) if self.version >= 0x05000001: if self.version <= 0x0A01006A: # write zero dummy separator stream.write('\x00\x00\x00\x00'.encode("ascii")) else: # write block type string s = NifFormat.SizedString() assert(block_type_list[block_type_dct[block]] == block.__class__.__name__) # debug s.set_value(block.__class__.__name__) s.write(stream, self) # write block index logger.debug("Writing %s block" % block.__class__.__name__) if self.version < 0x0303000D: stream.write(struct.pack(self._byte_order + 'i', self._block_index_dct[block])) # write block block.write(stream, self) if self.version < 0x0303000D: s = NifFormat.SizedString() s.set_value("End Of File") s.write(stream, self) ftr.write(stream, self)
def _makeBlockList( self, root, block_index_dct, block_type_list, block_type_dct): """This is a helper function for write to set up the list of all blocks, the block index map, and the block type map. :param root: The root block, whose tree is to be added to the block list. :type root: L{NifFormat.NiObject} :param block_index_dct: Dictionary mapping blocks in self.blocks to their block index. :type block_index_dct: dict :param block_type_list: List of all block types. :type block_type_list: list of str :param block_type_dct: Dictionary mapping blocks in self.blocks to their block type index. :type block_type_dct: dict """ def _blockChildBeforeParent(block): """Determine whether block comes before its parent or not, depending on the block type. @todo: Move to the L{NifFormat.Data} class. :param block: The block to test. :type block: L{NifFormat.NiObject} :return: ``True`` if child should come first, ``False`` otherwise. """ return (isinstance(block, NifFormat.bhkRefObject) and not isinstance(block, NifFormat.bhkConstraint)) # block already listed? if so, return if root in self.blocks: return # add block type to block type dictionary block_type = root.__class__.__name__ # special case: NiDataStream stores part of data in block type list if block_type == "NiDataStream": block_type = ("NiDataStream\x01%i\x01%i" % (root.usage, root.access.get_attributes_values(self))) try: block_type_dct[root] = block_type_list.index(block_type) except ValueError: block_type_dct[root] = len(block_type_list) block_type_list.append(block_type) # special case: add bhkConstraint entities before bhkConstraint # (these are actually links, not refs) if isinstance(root, NifFormat.bhkConstraint): for entity in root.entities: if entity is not None: self._makeBlockList( entity, block_index_dct, block_type_list, block_type_dct) children_left = [] # add children that come before the block # store any remaining children in children_left (processed later) for child in root.get_refs(data=self): if _blockChildBeforeParent(child): self._makeBlockList( child, block_index_dct, block_type_list, block_type_dct) else: children_left.append(child) # add the block if self.version >= 0x0303000D: block_index_dct[root] = len(self.blocks) else: block_index_dct[root] = id(root) self.blocks.append(root) # add children that come after the block for child in children_left: self._makeBlockList( child, block_index_dct, block_type_list, block_type_dct)
# extensions of generated structures
[docs] class Footer:
[docs] def read(self, stream, data):, stream, data) modification = getattr(data, 'modification', None) if modification == "neosteam": extrabyte, = struct.unpack("<B", if extrabyte != 0: raise ValueError( "Expected trailing zero byte in footer, " "but got %i instead." % extrabyte)
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): StructBase.write(self, stream, data) modification = getattr(data, 'modification', None) if modification == "neosteam": stream.write("\x00".encode("ascii"))
[docs] class Header:
[docs] def has_block_type(self, block_type): """Check if header has a particular block type. :raise ``ValueError``: If number of block types is zero (only nif versions and up store block types in header). :param block_type: The block type. :type block_type: L{NifFormat.NiObject} :return: ``True`` if the header's list of block types has the given block type, or a subclass of it. ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ # check if we can check the block types at all if self.num_block_types == 0: raise ValueError("header does not store any block types") # quick first check, without hierarchy, using simple string comparisons if block_type.__name__.encode() in self.block_types: return True # slower check, using isinstance for data_block_type in self.block_types: data_block_type = data_block_type.decode("ascii") # NiDataStreams are special if data_block_type.startswith("NiDataStream\x01"): data_block_type = "NiDataStream" if issubclass(getattr(NifFormat, data_block_type), block_type): return True # requested block type is not in nif return False
[docs] class Matrix33:
[docs] def as_list(self): """Return matrix as 3x3 list.""" return [ [self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13], [self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23], [self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33] ]
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """Return matrix as 3x3 tuple.""" return ( (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13), (self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23), (self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33) )
def __str__(self): return ( "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" % (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33))
[docs] def set_identity(self): """Set to identity matrix.""" self.m_11 = 1.0 self.m_12 = 0.0 self.m_13 = 0.0 self.m_21 = 0.0 self.m_22 = 1.0 self.m_23 = 0.0 self.m_31 = 0.0 self.m_32 = 0.0 self.m_33 = 1.0
[docs] def is_identity(self): """Return ``True`` if the matrix is close to identity.""" if (abs(self.m_11 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_12) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_13) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_21) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_22 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_23) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_31) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_32) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_33 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON): return False else: return True
[docs] def get_copy(self): """Return a copy of the matrix.""" mat = NifFormat.Matrix33() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 mat.m_12 = self.m_12 mat.m_13 = self.m_13 mat.m_21 = self.m_21 mat.m_22 = self.m_22 mat.m_23 = self.m_23 mat.m_31 = self.m_31 mat.m_32 = self.m_32 mat.m_33 = self.m_33 return mat
[docs] def get_transpose(self): """Get transposed of the matrix.""" mat = NifFormat.Matrix33() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 mat.m_12 = self.m_21 mat.m_13 = self.m_31 mat.m_21 = self.m_12 mat.m_22 = self.m_22 mat.m_23 = self.m_32 mat.m_31 = self.m_13 mat.m_32 = self.m_23 mat.m_33 = self.m_33 return mat
[docs] def is_scale_rotation(self): """Returns true if the matrix decomposes nicely into scale * rotation.""" # NOTE: 0.01 instead of NifFormat.EPSILON to work around bad NIF files # calculate self * self^T # this should correspond to # (scale * rotation) * (scale * rotation)^T # = scale^2 * rotation * rotation^T # = scale^2 * 3x3 identity matrix self_transpose = self.get_transpose() mat = self * self_transpose # off diagonal elements should be zero if (abs(mat.m_12) + abs(mat.m_13) + abs(mat.m_21) + abs(mat.m_23) + abs(mat.m_31) + abs(mat.m_32)) > 0.01: return False # diagonal elements should be equal (to scale^2) if abs(mat.m_11 - mat.m_22) + abs(mat.m_22 - mat.m_33) > 0.01: return False return True
[docs] def is_rotation(self): """Returns ``True`` if the matrix is a rotation matrix (a member of SO(3)).""" # NOTE: 0.01 instead of NifFormat.EPSILON to work around bad NIF files if not self.is_scale_rotation(): return False if abs(self.get_determinant() - 1.0) > 0.01: return False return True
[docs] def get_determinant(self): """Return determinant.""" return (self.m_11*self.m_22*self.m_33 +self.m_12*self.m_23*self.m_31 +self.m_13*self.m_21*self.m_32 -self.m_31*self.m_22*self.m_13 -self.m_21*self.m_12*self.m_33 -self.m_11*self.m_32*self.m_23)
[docs] def get_scale(self): """Gets the scale (assuming is_scale_rotation is true!).""" scale = self.get_determinant() if scale < 0: return -((-scale)**(1.0/3.0)) else: return scale**(1.0/3.0)
[docs] def get_scale_rotation(self): """Decompose the matrix into scale and rotation, where scale is a float and rotation is a C{Matrix33}. Returns a pair (scale, rotation).""" rot = self.get_copy() scale = self.get_scale() if abs(scale) < NifFormat.EPSILON: raise ZeroDivisionError('scale is zero, unable to obtain rotation') rot /= scale return (scale, rot)
[docs] def set_scale_rotation(self, scale, rotation): """Compose the matrix as the product of scale * rotation.""" if not isinstance(scale, (float, int)): raise TypeError('scale must be float') if not isinstance(rotation, NifFormat.Matrix33): raise TypeError('rotation must be Matrix33') if not rotation.is_rotation(): raise ValueError('rotation must be rotation matrix') self.m_11 = rotation.m_11 * scale self.m_12 = rotation.m_12 * scale self.m_13 = rotation.m_13 * scale self.m_21 = rotation.m_21 * scale self.m_22 = rotation.m_22 * scale self.m_23 = rotation.m_23 * scale self.m_31 = rotation.m_31 * scale self.m_32 = rotation.m_32 * scale self.m_33 = rotation.m_33 * scale
[docs] def get_scale_quat(self): """Decompose matrix into scale and quaternion.""" scale, rot = self.get_scale_rotation() quat = NifFormat.Quaternion() trace = 1.0 + rot.m_11 + rot.m_22 + rot.m_33 if trace > NifFormat.EPSILON: s = (trace ** 0.5) * 2 quat.x = -( rot.m_32 - rot.m_23 ) / s quat.y = -( rot.m_13 - rot.m_31 ) / s quat.z = -( rot.m_21 - rot.m_12 ) / s quat.w = 0.25 * s elif rot.m_11 > max((rot.m_22, rot.m_33)): s = (( 1.0 + rot.m_11 - rot.m_22 - rot.m_33 ) ** 0.5) * 2 quat.x = 0.25 * s quat.y = (rot.m_21 + rot.m_12 ) / s quat.z = (rot.m_13 + rot.m_31 ) / s quat.w = -(rot.m_32 - rot.m_23 ) / s elif rot.m_22 > rot.m_33: s = (( 1.0 + rot.m_22 - rot.m_11 - rot.m_33 ) ** 0.5) * 2 quat.x = (rot.m_21 + rot.m_12 ) / s quat.y = 0.25 * s quat.z = (rot.m_32 + rot.m_23 ) / s quat.w = -(rot.m_13 - rot.m_31 ) / s else: s = (( 1.0 + rot.m_33 - rot.m_11 - rot.m_22 ) ** 0.5) * 2 quat.x = (rot.m_13 + rot.m_31 ) / s quat.y = (rot.m_32 + rot.m_23 ) / s quat.z = 0.25 * s quat.w = -(rot.m_21 - rot.m_12 ) / s return scale, quat
[docs] def get_inverse(self): """Get inverse (assuming is_scale_rotation is true!).""" # transpose inverts rotation but keeps the scale # dividing by scale^2 inverts the scale as well return self.get_transpose() / (self.m_11**2 + self.m_12**2 + self.m_13**2)
def __mul__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, (float, int)): mat = NifFormat.Matrix33() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 * rhs mat.m_12 = self.m_12 * rhs mat.m_13 = self.m_13 * rhs mat.m_21 = self.m_21 * rhs mat.m_22 = self.m_22 * rhs mat.m_23 = self.m_23 * rhs mat.m_31 = self.m_31 * rhs mat.m_32 = self.m_32 * rhs mat.m_33 = self.m_33 * rhs return mat elif isinstance(rhs, NifFormat.Vector3): raise TypeError( "matrix*vector not supported; " "please use left multiplication (vector*matrix)") elif isinstance(rhs, NifFormat.Matrix33): mat = NifFormat.Matrix33() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 * rhs.m_11 + self.m_12 * rhs.m_21 + self.m_13 * rhs.m_31 mat.m_12 = self.m_11 * rhs.m_12 + self.m_12 * rhs.m_22 + self.m_13 * rhs.m_32 mat.m_13 = self.m_11 * rhs.m_13 + self.m_12 * rhs.m_23 + self.m_13 * rhs.m_33 mat.m_21 = self.m_21 * rhs.m_11 + self.m_22 * rhs.m_21 + self.m_23 * rhs.m_31 mat.m_22 = self.m_21 * rhs.m_12 + self.m_22 * rhs.m_22 + self.m_23 * rhs.m_32 mat.m_23 = self.m_21 * rhs.m_13 + self.m_22 * rhs.m_23 + self.m_23 * rhs.m_33 mat.m_31 = self.m_31 * rhs.m_11 + self.m_32 * rhs.m_21 + self.m_33 * rhs.m_31 mat.m_32 = self.m_31 * rhs.m_12 + self.m_32 * rhs.m_22 + self.m_33 * rhs.m_32 mat.m_33 = self.m_31 * rhs.m_13 + self.m_32 * rhs.m_23 + self.m_33 * rhs.m_33 return mat else: raise TypeError( "do not know how to multiply Matrix33 with %s"%rhs.__class__) def __div__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, (float, int)): mat = NifFormat.Matrix33() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 / rhs mat.m_12 = self.m_12 / rhs mat.m_13 = self.m_13 / rhs mat.m_21 = self.m_21 / rhs mat.m_22 = self.m_22 / rhs mat.m_23 = self.m_23 / rhs mat.m_31 = self.m_31 / rhs mat.m_32 = self.m_32 / rhs mat.m_33 = self.m_33 / rhs return mat else: raise TypeError( "do not know how to divide Matrix33 by %s"%rhs.__class__) # py3k __truediv__ = __div__ def __rmul__(self, lhs): if isinstance(lhs, (float, int)): return self * lhs # commutes else: raise TypeError( "do not know how to multiply %s with Matrix33"%lhs.__class__) def __eq__(self, mat): if not isinstance(mat, NifFormat.Matrix33): raise TypeError( "do not know how to compare Matrix33 and %s"%mat.__class__) if (abs(self.m_11 - mat.m_11) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_12 - mat.m_12) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_13 - mat.m_13) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_21 - mat.m_21) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_22 - mat.m_22) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_23 - mat.m_23) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_31 - mat.m_31) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_32 - mat.m_32) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_33 - mat.m_33) > NifFormat.EPSILON): return False return True def __ne__(self, mat): return not self.__eq__(mat) def __sub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (NifFormat.Matrix33)): m = NifFormat.Matrix33() m.m_11 = self.m_11 - x.m_11 m.m_12 = self.m_12 - x.m_12 m.m_13 = self.m_13 - x.m_13 m.m_21 = self.m_21 - x.m_21 m.m_22 = self.m_22 - x.m_22 m.m_23 = self.m_23 - x.m_23 m.m_31 = self.m_31 - x.m_31 m.m_32 = self.m_32 - x.m_32 m.m_33 = self.m_33 - x.m_33 return m elif isinstance(x, (int, float)): m = NifFormat.Matrix33() m.m_11 = self.m_11 - x m.m_12 = self.m_12 - x m.m_13 = self.m_13 - x m.m_21 = self.m_21 - x m.m_22 = self.m_22 - x m.m_23 = self.m_23 - x m.m_31 = self.m_31 - x m.m_32 = self.m_32 - x m.m_33 = self.m_33 - x return m else: raise TypeError("do not know how to substract Matrix33 and %s" % x.__class__)
[docs] def sup_norm(self): """Calculate supremum norm of matrix (maximum absolute value of all entries).""" return max(max(abs(elem) for elem in row) for row in self.as_list())
[docs] class Vector3:
[docs] def assign(self, vec): """ Set this vector to values from another object that supports iteration or x,y,z properties """ # see if it is an iterable try: self.x = vec[0] self.y = vec[1] self.z = vec[2] except: if hasattr(vec, "x"): self.x = vec.x if hasattr(vec, "y"): self.y = vec.y if hasattr(vec, "z"): self.z = vec.z
def __iter__(self): # just a convenience so we can do: x,y,z = Vector3() yield self.x yield self.y yield self.z
[docs] def as_list(self): return [self.x, self.y, self.z]
[docs] def as_tuple(self): return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
[docs] def norm(self, sqrt=math.sqrt): return sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z)
[docs] def normalize(self, ignore_error=False, sqrt=math.sqrt): # inlining norm() to reduce overhead try: factor = 1.0 / sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z) except ZeroDivisionError: if not ignore_error: raise else: return # inlining multiplication for speed self.x *= factor self.y *= factor self.z *= factor
[docs] def normalized(self, ignore_error=False): vec = self.get_copy() vec.normalize(ignore_error=ignore_error) return vec
[docs] def get_copy(self): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x v.y = self.y v.z = self.z return v
def __str__(self): return "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]"%(self.x, self.y, self.z) def __mul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x * x v.y = self.y * x v.z = self.z * x return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector3): return self.x * x.x + self.y * x.y + self.z * x.z elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Matrix33): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x * x.m_11 + self.y * x.m_21 + self.z * x.m_31 v.y = self.x * x.m_12 + self.y * x.m_22 + self.z * x.m_32 v.z = self.x * x.m_13 + self.y * x.m_23 + self.z * x.m_33 return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Matrix44): return self * x.get_matrix_33() + x.get_translation() else: raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply Vector3 with %s"%x.__class__) def __rmul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = x * self.x v.y = x * self.y v.z = x * self.z return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply %s and Vector3"%x.__class__) def __div__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x / x v.y = self.y / x v.z = self.z / x return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to divide Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__) # py3k __truediv__ = __div__ def __add__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x + x v.y = self.y + x v.z = self.z + x return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector3): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x + x.x v.y = self.y + x.y v.z = self.z + x.z return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to add Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__) def __radd__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = x + self.x v.y = x + self.y v.z = x + self.z return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to add %s and Vector3"%x.__class__) def __sub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x - x v.y = self.y - x v.z = self.z - x return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector3): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x - x.x v.y = self.y - x.y v.z = self.z - x.z return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to substract Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__) def __rsub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = x - self.x v.y = x - self.y v.z = x - self.z return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to substract %s and Vector3"%x.__class__) def __neg__(self): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = -self.x v.y = -self.y v.z = -self.z return v # cross product
[docs] def crossproduct(self, x): if isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector3): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.y*x.z - self.z*x.y v.y = self.z*x.x - self.x*x.z v.z = self.x*x.y - self.y*x.x return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to calculate crossproduct of Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__)
def __eq__(self, x): if isinstance(x, type(None)): return False if not isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector3): raise TypeError("do not know how to compare Vector3 and %s" % x.__class__) if abs(self.x - x.x) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.y - x.y) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.z - x.z) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False return True def __ne__(self, x): return not self.__eq__(x)
[docs] class Vector4: """ >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> vec = NifFormat.Vector4() >>> vec.x = 1.0 >>> vec.y = 2.0 >>> vec.z = 3.0 >>> vec.w = 4.0 >>> print(vec) [ 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 ] >>> vec.as_list() [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] >>> vec.as_tuple() (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) >>> print(vec.get_vector_3()) [ 1.000 2.000 3.000 ] >>> vec2 = NifFormat.Vector4() >>> vec == vec2 False >>> vec2.x = 1.0 >>> vec2.y = 2.0 >>> vec2.z = 3.0 >>> vec2.w = 4.0 >>> vec == vec2 True """
[docs] def as_list(self): return [self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w]
[docs] def as_tuple(self): return (self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w)
[docs] def get_copy(self): v = NifFormat.Vector4() v.x = self.x v.y = self.y v.z = self.z v.w = self.w return v
[docs] def get_vector_3(self): v = NifFormat.Vector3() v.x = self.x v.y = self.y v.z = self.z return v
def __str__(self): return "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]"%(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w) def __eq__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, type(None)): return False if not isinstance(rhs, NifFormat.Vector4): raise TypeError( "do not know how to compare Vector4 and %s" % rhs.__class__) if abs(self.x - rhs.x) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.y - rhs.y) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.z - rhs.z) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.w - rhs.w) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False return True def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs)
[docs] class SkinPartition:
[docs] def get_triangles(self): """Get list of triangles of this partition. """ # strips? if self.num_strips: for tri in pyffi.utils.tristrip.triangulate(self.strips): yield tri # no strips, do triangles else: for tri in self.triangles: yield (tri.v_1, tri.v_2, tri.v_3)
[docs] def get_mapped_triangles(self): """Get list of triangles of this partition (mapping into the geometry data vertex list). """ for tri in self.get_triangles(): yield tuple(self.vertex_map[v_index] for v_index in tri)
[docs] class bhkBoxShape:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor C{scale} on data.""" # apply scale on dimensions self.dimensions.x *= scale self.dimensions.y *= scale self.dimensions.z *= scale self.minimum_size *= scale
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" # the dimensions describe half the size of the box in each dimension # so the length of a single edge is dimension.dir * 2 mass, inertia = pyffi.utils.inertia.getMassInertiaBox( (self.dimensions.x * 2, self.dimensions.y * 2, self.dimensions.z * 2), density = density, solid = solid) return mass, (0,0,0), inertia
[docs] class bhkCapsuleShape:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor <scale> on data.""" # apply scale on dimensions self.radius *= scale self.radius_1 *= scale self.radius_2 *= scale self.first_point.x *= scale self.first_point.y *= scale self.first_point.z *= scale self.second_point.x *= scale self.second_point.y *= scale self.second_point.z *= scale
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" # (assumes self.radius == self.radius_1 == self.radius_2) length = (self.first_point - self.second_point).norm() mass, inertia = pyffi.utils.inertia.getMassInertiaCapsule( radius = self.radius, length = length, density = density, solid = solid) # now fix inertia so it is expressed in the right coordinates # need a transform that maps (0,0,length/2) on (second - first) / 2 # and (0,0,-length/2) on (first - second)/2 vec1 = ((self.second_point - self.first_point) / length).as_tuple() # find an orthogonal vector to vec1 index = min(enumerate(vec1), key=lambda val: abs(val[1]))[0] vec2 = vecCrossProduct(vec1, tuple((1 if i == index else 0) for i in range(3))) vec2 = vecscalarMul(vec2, 1/vecNorm(vec2)) # find an orthogonal vector to vec1 and vec2 vec3 = vecCrossProduct(vec1, vec2) # get transform matrix transform_transposed = (vec2, vec3, vec1) # this is effectively the transposed of our transform transform = matTransposed(transform_transposed) # check the result (debug) assert(vecDistance(matvecMul(transform, (0,0,1)), vec1) < 0.0001) assert(abs(matDeterminant(transform) - 1) < 0.0001) # transform the inertia tensor inertia = matMul(matMul(transform_transposed, inertia), transform) return (mass, ((self.first_point + self.second_point) * 0.5).as_tuple(), inertia)
[docs] class bhkConstraint:
[docs] def get_transform_a_b(self, parent): """Returns the transform of the first entity relative to the second entity. Root is simply a nif block that is a common parent to both blocks.""" # check entities if self.num_entities != 2: raise ValueError( "cannot get tranform for constraint " "that hasn't exactly 2 entities") # find transform of entity A relative to entity B # find chains from parent to A and B entities chainA = parent.find_chain(self.entities[0]) chainB = parent.find_chain(self.entities[1]) # validate the chains assert(isinstance(chainA[-1], NifFormat.bhkRigidBody)) assert(isinstance(chainA[-2], NifFormat.NiCollisionObject)) assert(isinstance(chainA[-3], NifFormat.NiNode)) assert(isinstance(chainB[-1], NifFormat.bhkRigidBody)) assert(isinstance(chainB[-2], NifFormat.NiCollisionObject)) assert(isinstance(chainB[-3], NifFormat.NiNode)) # return the relative transform return (chainA[-3].get_transform(relative_to = parent) * chainB[-3].get_transform(relative_to = parent).get_inverse())
[docs] class bhkConvexVerticesShape:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" if abs(scale - 1.0) < NifFormat.EPSILON: return for v in self.vertices: v.x *= scale v.y *= scale v.z *= scale for n in self.normals: n.w *= scale
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" # first find an enumeration of all triangles making up the convex shape vertices, triangles = pyffi.utils.quickhull.qhull3d( [vert.as_tuple() for vert in self.vertices]) # now calculate mass, center, and inertia return pyffi.utils.inertia.get_mass_center_inertia_polyhedron( vertices, triangles, density = density, solid = solid)
[docs] class bhkLimitedHingeConstraint:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Scale data.""" # apply scale on transform self.limited_hinge.pivot_a.x *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_a.y *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_a.z *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_b.x *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_b.y *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_b.z *= scale
[docs] def update_a_b(self, parent): """Update the B data from the A data. The parent argument is simply a common parent to the entities.""" self.limited_hinge.update_a_b(self.get_transform_a_b(parent))
[docs] class bhkListShape:
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return center of gravity and area.""" subshapes_mci = [ subshape.get_mass_center_inertia(density = density, solid = solid) for subshape in self.sub_shapes ] total_mass = 0 total_center = (0, 0, 0) total_inertia = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) # get total mass for mass, center, inertia in subshapes_mci: total_mass += mass if total_mass == 0: return 0, (0, 0, 0), ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) # get average center and inertia for mass, center, inertia in subshapes_mci: total_center = vecAdd(total_center, vecscalarMul(center, mass / total_mass)) total_inertia = matAdd(total_inertia, inertia) return total_mass, total_center, total_inertia
[docs] def add_shape(self, shape, front = False): """Add shape to list.""" # check if it's already there if shape in self.sub_shapes: return # increase number of shapes num_shapes = self.num_sub_shapes self.num_sub_shapes = num_shapes + 1 self.sub_shapes.update_size() # add the shape if not front: self.sub_shapes[num_shapes] = shape else: for i in range(num_shapes, 0, -1): self.sub_shapes[i] = self.sub_shapes[i-1] self.sub_shapes[0] = shape # expand list of unknown ints as well self.num_unknown_ints = num_shapes + 1 self.unknown_ints.update_size()
[docs] def remove_shape(self, shape): """Remove a shape from the shape list.""" # get list of shapes excluding the shape to remove shapes = [s for s in self.sub_shapes if s != shape] # set sub_shapes to this list self.num_sub_shapes = len(shapes) self.sub_shapes.update_size() for i, s in enumerate(shapes): self.sub_shapes[i] = s # update unknown ints self.num_unknown_ints = len(shapes) self.unknown_ints.update_size()
[docs] class bhkMalleableConstraint:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Scale data.""" # apply scale on transform self.ragdoll.pivot_a.x *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_a.y *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_a.z *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_b.x *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_b.y *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_b.z *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_a.x *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_a.y *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_a.z *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_b.x *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_b.y *= scale self.limited_hinge.pivot_b.z *= scale
[docs] def update_a_b(self, parent): """Update the B data from the A data.""" transform = self.get_transform_a_b(parent) self.limited_hinge.update_a_b(transform) self.ragdoll.update_a_b(transform)
[docs] class bhkMoppBvTreeShape:
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density=1, solid=True): """Return mass, center of gravity, and inertia tensor.""" return self.get_shape_mass_center_inertia( density=density, solid=solid)
[docs] def update_origin_scale(self): """Update scale and origin.""" minx = min(v.x for v in miny = min(v.y for v in minz = min(v.z for v in maxx = max(v.x for v in maxy = max(v.y for v in maxz = max(v.z for v in self.origin.x = minx - 0.1 self.origin.y = miny - 0.1 self.origin.z = minz - 0.1 self.scale = (256*256*254) / (0.2+max([maxx-minx,maxy-miny,maxz-minz]))
[docs] def update_mopp(self): """Update the MOPP data, scale, and origin, and welding info. @deprecated: use update_mopp_welding instead """ self.update_mopp_welding()
[docs] def update_mopp_welding(self): """Update the MOPP data, scale, and origin, and welding info.""" logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.mopp") # check type of shape if not isinstance(self.shape, NifFormat.bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape): raise ValueError( "expected bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape on mopp" " but got %s instead" % self.shape.__class__.__name__) # first try with pyffi.utils.mopp failed = False try: print(pyffi.utils.mopp.getMopperCredits()) except (OSError, RuntimeError): failed = True else: # find material indices per triangle material_per_vertex = [] for subshape in self.shape.get_sub_shapes(): material_per_vertex += ( [subshape.material] * subshape.num_vertices) material_per_triangle = [ material_per_vertex[hktri.triangle.v_1] for hktri in] # compute havok info try: origin, scale, mopp, welding_infos \ = pyffi.utils.mopp.getMopperOriginScaleCodeWelding( [vert.as_tuple() for vert in], [(hktri.triangle.v_1, hktri.triangle.v_2, hktri.triangle.v_3) for hktri in], material_per_triangle) except (OSError, RuntimeError): failed = True else: # must use calculated scale and origin self.scale = scale self.origin.x = origin[0] self.origin.y = origin[1] self.origin.z = origin[2] # if havok's mopper failed, do a simple mopp if failed: logger.exception( "Havok mopp generator failed, falling back on simple mopp " "(but collisions may be flawed in-game!)." "If you are using the PyFFI that was shipped with Blender, " "and you are on Windows, then you may wish to install the " "full version of PyFFI from " " " "instead, which includes the (closed source) " "Havok mopp generator.") self.update_origin_scale() mopp = self._makeSimpleMopp() # no welding info welding_infos = [] # delete mopp and replace with new data self.mopp_data_size = len(mopp) self.mopp_data.update_size() for i, b in enumerate(mopp): self.mopp_data[i] = b # update welding information for hktri, welding_info in zip(, welding_infos): hktri.welding_info = welding_info
def _makeSimpleMopp(self): """Make a simple mopp.""" mopp = [] # the mopp 'assembly' script self._q = 256*256 / self.scale # quantization factor # opcodes BOUNDX = 0x26 BOUNDY = 0x27 BOUNDZ = 0x28 TESTX = 0x10 TESTY = 0x11 TESTZ = 0x12 # add first crude bounding box checks self._vertsceil = [ self._moppCeil(v) for v in ] self._vertsfloor = [ self._moppFloor(v) for v in ] minx = min([ v[0] for v in self._vertsfloor ]) miny = min([ v[1] for v in self._vertsfloor ]) minz = min([ v[2] for v in self._vertsfloor ]) maxx = max([ v[0] for v in self._vertsceil ]) maxy = max([ v[1] for v in self._vertsceil ]) maxz = max([ v[2] for v in self._vertsceil ]) if minx < 0 or miny < 0 or minz < 0: raise ValueError("cannot update mopp tree with invalid origin") if maxx > 255 or maxy > 255 or maxz > 255: raise ValueError("cannot update mopp tree with invalid scale") mopp.extend([BOUNDZ, minz, maxz]) mopp.extend([BOUNDY, miny, maxy]) mopp.extend([BOUNDX, minx, maxx]) # add tree using subsequent X-Y-Z splits # (slow and no noticable difference from other simple tree so deactivated) #tris = range(len( #tree = self.split_triangles(tris, [[minx,maxx],[miny,maxy],[minz,maxz]]) #mopp += self.mopp_from_tree(tree) # add a trivial tree # this prevents the player of walking through the model # but arrows may still fly through numtriangles = len( i = 0x30 for t in range(numtriangles-1): mopp.extend([TESTZ, maxz, 0, 1, i]) i += 1 if i == 0x50: mopp.extend([0x09, 0x20]) # increment triangle offset i = 0x30 mopp.extend([i]) return mopp def _moppCeil(self, v): moppx = int((v.x + 0.1 - self.origin.x) / self._q + 0.99999999) moppy = int((v.y + 0.1 - self.origin.y) / self._q + 0.99999999) moppz = int((v.z + 0.1 - self.origin.z) / self._q + 0.99999999) return [moppx, moppy, moppz] def _moppFloor(self, v): moppx = int((v.x - 0.1 - self.origin.x) / self._q) moppy = int((v.y - 0.1 - self.origin.y) / self._q) moppz = int((v.z - 0.1 - self.origin.z) / self._q) return [moppx, moppy, moppz]
[docs] def split_triangles(self, ts, bbox, dir=0): """Direction 0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z""" btest = [] # for bounding box tests test = [] # for branch command # check bounding box tris = [ t.triangle for t in ] tsverts = [ tris[t].v_1 for t in ts] + [ tris[t].v_2 for t in ts] + [ tris[t].v_3 for t in ts] minx = min([self._vertsfloor[v][0] for v in tsverts]) miny = min([self._vertsfloor[v][1] for v in tsverts]) minz = min([self._vertsfloor[v][2] for v in tsverts]) maxx = max([self._vertsceil[v][0] for v in tsverts]) maxy = max([self._vertsceil[v][1] for v in tsverts]) maxz = max([self._vertsceil[v][2] for v in tsverts]) # add bounding box checks if it's reduced in a direction if (maxx - minx < bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0]): btest += [ 0x26, minx, maxx ] bbox[0][0] = minx bbox[0][1] = maxx if (maxy - miny < bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0]): btest += [ 0x27, miny, maxy ] bbox[1][0] = miny bbox[1][1] = maxy if (maxz - minz < bbox[2][1] - bbox[2][0]): btest += [ 0x28, minz, maxz ] bbox[2][0] = minz bbox[2][1] = maxz # if only one triangle, no further split needed if len(ts) == 1: if ts[0] < 32: return [ btest, [ 0x30 + ts[0] ], [], [] ] elif ts[0] < 256: return [ btest, [ 0x50, ts[0] ], [], [] ] else: return [ btest, [ 0x51, ts[0] >> 8, ts[0] & 255 ], [], [] ] # sort triangles in required direction ts.sort(key = lambda t: max(self._vertsceil[tris[t].v_1][dir], self._vertsceil[tris[t].v_2][dir], self._vertsceil[tris[t].v_3][dir])) # split into two ts1 = ts[:len(ts)/2] ts2 = ts[len(ts)/2:] # get maximum coordinate of small group ts1verts = [ tris[t].v_1 for t in ts1] + [ tris[t].v_2 for t in ts1] + [ tris[t].v_3 for t in ts1] ts2verts = [ tris[t].v_1 for t in ts2] + [ tris[t].v_2 for t in ts2] + [ tris[t].v_3 for t in ts2] ts1max = max([self._vertsceil[v][dir] for v in ts1verts]) # get minimum coordinate of large group ts2min = min([self._vertsfloor[v][dir] for v in ts2verts]) # set up test test += [0x10+dir, ts1max, ts2min] # set up new bounding boxes for each subtree # make copy bbox1 = [[bbox[0][0],bbox[0][1]],[bbox[1][0],bbox[1][1]],[bbox[2][0],bbox[2][1]]] bbox2 = [[bbox[0][0],bbox[0][1]],[bbox[1][0],bbox[1][1]],[bbox[2][0],bbox[2][1]]] # update bound in test direction bbox1[dir][1] = ts1max bbox2[dir][0] = ts2min # return result nextdir = dir+1 if nextdir == 3: nextdir = 0 return [btest, test, self.split_triangles(ts1, bbox1, nextdir), self.split_triangles(ts2, bbox2, nextdir)]
[docs] def mopp_from_tree(self, tree): if tree[1][0] in range(0x30, 0x52): return tree[0] + tree[1] mopp = tree[0] + tree[1] submopp1 = self.mopp_from_tree(tree[2]) submopp2 = self.mopp_from_tree(tree[3]) if len(submopp1) < 256: mopp += [ len(submopp1) ] mopp += submopp1 mopp += submopp2 else: jump = len(submopp2) if jump <= 255: mopp += [2, 0x05, jump] else: mopp += [3, 0x06, jump >> 8, jump & 255] mopp += submopp2 mopp += submopp1 return mopp
# ported and extended from NifVis/
[docs] def parse_mopp(self, start = 0, depth = 0, toffset = 0, verbose = False): """The mopp data is printed to the debug channel while parsed. Returns list of indices into mopp data of the bytes processed and a list of triangle indices encountered. The verbose argument is ignored (and is deprecated). """ class Message: def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.mopp") self.msg = "" def append(self, *args): self.msg += " ".join(str(arg) for arg in args) + " " return self def debug(self): if self.msg: self.logger.debug(self.msg) self.msg = "" def error(self): self.logger.error(self.msg) self.msg = "" mopp = self.mopp_data # shortcut notation ids = [] # indices of bytes processed tris = [] # triangle indices i = start # current index ret = False # set to True if an opcode signals a triangle index while i < self.mopp_data_size and not ret: # get opcode and print it code = mopp[i] msg = Message() msg.append("%4i:"%i + " "*depth + '0x%02X ' % code) if code == 0x09: # increment triangle offset toffset += mopp[i+1] msg.append(mopp[i+1]) msg.append('%i [ triangle offset += %i, offset is now %i ]' % (mopp[i+1], mopp[i+1], toffset)) ids.extend([i,i+1]) i += 2 elif code in [ 0x0A ]: # increment triangle offset toffset += mopp[i+1]*256 + mopp[i+2] msg.append(mopp[i+1],mopp[i+2]) msg.append('[ triangle offset += %i, offset is now %i ]' % (mopp[i+1]*256 + mopp[i+2], toffset)) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2]) i += 3 elif code in [ 0x0B ]: # unsure about first two arguments, but the 3rd and 4th set triangle offset toffset = 256*mopp[i+3] + mopp[i+4] msg.append(mopp[i+1],mopp[i+2],mopp[i+3],mopp[i+4]) msg.append('[ triangle offset = %i ]' % toffset) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4]) i += 5 elif code in range(0x30,0x50): # triangle compact msg.append('[ triangle %i ]'%(code-0x30+toffset)) ids.append(i) tris.append(code-0x30+toffset) i += 1 ret = True elif code == 0x50: # triangle byte msg.append(mopp[i+1]) msg.append('[ triangle %i ]'%(mopp[i+1]+toffset)) ids.extend([i,i+1]) tris.append(mopp[i+1]+toffset) i += 2 ret = True elif code in [ 0x51 ]: # triangle short t = mopp[i+1]*256 + mopp[i+2] + toffset msg.append(mopp[i+1],mopp[i+2]) msg.append('[ triangle %i ]' % t) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2]) tris.append(t) i += 3 ret = True elif code in [ 0x53 ]: # triangle short? t = mopp[i+3]*256 + mopp[i+4] + toffset msg.append(mopp[i+1],mopp[i+2],mopp[i+3],mopp[i+4]) msg.append('[ triangle %i ]' % t) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4]) tris.append(t) i += 5 ret = True elif code in [ 0x05 ]: # byte jump msg.append('[ jump -> %i: ]'%(i+2+mopp[i+1])) ids.extend([i,i+1]) i += 2+mopp[i+1] elif code in [ 0x06 ]: # short jump jump = mopp[i+1]*256 + mopp[i+2] msg.append('[ jump -> %i: ]'%(i+3+jump)) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2]) i += 3+jump elif code in [0x10,0x11,0x12, 0x13,0x14,0x15, 0x16,0x17,0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C]: # compact if-then-else with two arguments msg.append(mopp[i+1], mopp[i+2]) if code == 0x10: msg.append('[ branch X') elif code == 0x11: msg.append('[ branch Y') elif code == 0x12: msg.append('[ branch Z') else: msg.append('[ branch ?') msg.append('-> %i: %i: ]'%(i+4,i+4+mopp[i+3])) msg.debug() msg.append(" " + " "*depth + 'if:') msg.debug() idssub1, trissub1 = self.parse_mopp(start = i+4, depth = depth+1, toffset = toffset, verbose = verbose) msg.append(" " + " "*depth + 'else:') msg.debug() idssub2, trissub2 = self.parse_mopp(start = i+4+mopp[i+3], depth = depth+1, toffset = toffset, verbose = verbose) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2,i+3]) ids.extend(idssub1) ids.extend(idssub2) tris.extend(trissub1) tris.extend(trissub2) ret = True elif code in [0x20,0x21,0x22]: # compact if-then-else with one argument msg.append(mopp[i+1], '[ branch ? -> %i: %i: ]'%(i+3,i+3+mopp[i+2])).debug() msg.append(" " + " "*depth + 'if:').debug() idssub1, trissub1 = self.parse_mopp(start = i+3, depth = depth+1, toffset = toffset, verbose = verbose) msg.append(" " + " "*depth + 'else:').debug() idssub2, trissub2 = self.parse_mopp(start = i+3+mopp[i+2], depth = depth+1, toffset = toffset, verbose = verbose) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2]) ids.extend(idssub1) ids.extend(idssub2) tris.extend(trissub1) tris.extend(trissub2) ret = True elif code in [0x23,0x24,0x25]: # short if x <= a then 1; if x > b then 2; jump1 = mopp[i+3] * 256 + mopp[i+4] jump2 = mopp[i+5] * 256 + mopp[i+6] msg.append(mopp[i+1], mopp[i+2], '[ branch ? -> %i: %i: ]'%(i+7+jump1,i+7+jump2)).debug() msg.append(" " + " "*depth + 'if:').debug() idssub1, trissub1 = self.parse_mopp(start = i+7+jump1, depth = depth+1, toffset = toffset, verbose = verbose) msg.append(" " + " "*depth + 'else:').debug() idssub2, trissub2 = self.parse_mopp(start = i+7+jump2, depth = depth+1, toffset = toffset, verbose = verbose) ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4,i+5,i+6]) ids.extend(idssub1) ids.extend(idssub2) tris.extend(trissub1) tris.extend(trissub2) ret = True elif code in [0x26,0x27,0x28]: msg.append(mopp[i+1], mopp[i+2]) if code == 0x26: msg.append('[ bound X ]') elif code == 0x27: msg.append('[ bound Y ]') elif code == 0x28: msg.append('[ bound Z ]') ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2]) i += 3 elif code in [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]: msg.append(mopp[i+1], mopp[i+2], mopp[i+3], '[ bound XYZ? ]') ids.extend([i,i+1,i+2,i+3]) i += 4 else: msg.append("unknown mopp code 0x%02X"%code).error() msg.append("following bytes are").debug() extrabytes = [mopp[j] for j in range(i+1,min(self.mopp_data_size,i+10))] extraindex = [j for j in range(i+1,min(self.mopp_data_size,i+10))] msg.append(extrabytes).debug() for b, j in zip(extrabytes, extraindex): if j+b+1 < self.mopp_data_size: msg.append("opcode after jump %i is 0x%02X"%(b,mopp[j+b+1]), [mopp[k] for k in range(j+b+2,min(self.mopp_data_size,j+b+11))]).debug() raise ValueError("unknown mopp opcode 0x%02X"%code) msg.debug() return ids, tris
[docs] class bhkMultiSphereShape:
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return center of gravity and area.""" subshapes_mci = [ (mass, center, inertia) for (mass, inertia), center in zip( ( pyffi.utils.inertia.getMassInertiaSphere(radius = sphere.radius, density = density, solid = solid) for sphere in self.spheres ), ( for sphere in self.spheres ) ) ] total_mass = 0 total_center = (0, 0, 0) total_inertia = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) for mass, center, inertia in subshapes_mci: total_mass += mass total_center = vecAdd(total_center, vecscalarMul(center, mass / total_mass)) total_inertia = matAdd(total_inertia, inertia) return total_mass, total_center, total_inertia
[docs] class bhkNiTriStripsShape:
[docs] def get_interchangeable_packed_shape(self): """Returns a bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape block that is geometrically interchangeable. """ # get all vertices, triangles, and calculate normals vertices = [] normals = [] triangles = [] for strip in self.strips_data: triangles.extend( (tri1 + len(vertices), tri2 + len(vertices), tri3 + len(vertices)) for tri1, tri2, tri3 in strip.get_triangles()) vertices.extend( # scaling factor 1/7 applied in add_shape later vert.as_tuple() for vert in strip.vertices) normals.extend( (strip.vertices[tri2] - strip.vertices[tri1]).crossproduct( strip.vertices[tri3] - strip.vertices[tri1]) .normalized(ignore_error=True) .as_tuple() for tri1, tri2, tri3 in strip.get_triangles()) # create packed shape and add geometry packed = NifFormat.bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape() packed.add_shape( triangles=triangles, normals=normals, vertices=vertices, # default layer 1 (static collision) layer=self.data_layers[0].layer if self.data_layers else 1, material=self.material.material) # set scale packed.scale_copy.x = 1.0 packed.scale_copy.y = 1.0 packed.scale_copy.z = 1.0 packed.scale.x = 1.0 packed.scale.y = 1.0 packed.scale.z = 1.0 # return result return packed
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" # first find mass, center, and inertia of all shapes subshapes_mci = [] for data in self.strips_data: subshapes_mci.append( pyffi.utils.inertia.get_mass_center_inertia_polyhedron( [ vert.as_tuple() for vert in data.vertices ], [ triangle for triangle in data.get_triangles() ], density = density, solid = solid)) # now calculate mass, center, and inertia total_mass = 0 total_center = (0, 0, 0) total_inertia = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) for mass, center, inertia in subshapes_mci: total_mass += mass total_center = vecAdd(total_center, vecscalarMul(center, mass / total_mass)) total_inertia = matAdd(total_inertia, inertia) return total_mass, total_center, total_inertia
[docs] class bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape:
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" return pyffi.utils.inertia.get_mass_center_inertia_polyhedron( [ vert.as_tuple() for vert in ], [ ( hktriangle.triangle.v_1, hktriangle.triangle.v_2, hktriangle.triangle.v_3 ) for hktriangle in ], density = density, solid = solid)
[docs] def get_sub_shapes(self): """Return sub shapes (works for both Oblivion and Fallout 3).""" if and return else: return self.sub_shapes
[docs] def add_shape(self, triangles, normals, vertices, layer=0, material=0): """Pack the given geometry.""" # add the shape data if not = NifFormat.hkPackedNiTriStripsData() data = # increase number of shapes num_shapes = self.num_sub_shapes self.num_sub_shapes = num_shapes + 1 self.sub_shapes.update_size() data.num_sub_shapes = num_shapes + 1 data.sub_shapes.update_size() # add the shape self.sub_shapes[num_shapes].layer = layer self.sub_shapes[num_shapes].num_vertices = len(vertices) self.sub_shapes[num_shapes].material.material = material data.sub_shapes[num_shapes].layer = layer data.sub_shapes[num_shapes].num_vertices = len(vertices) data.sub_shapes[num_shapes].material.material = material firsttriangle = data.num_triangles firstvertex = data.num_vertices data.num_triangles += len(triangles) data.triangles.update_size() for tdata, t, n in zip(data.triangles[firsttriangle:], triangles, normals): tdata.triangle.v_1 = t[0] + firstvertex tdata.triangle.v_2 = t[1] + firstvertex tdata.triangle.v_3 = t[2] + firstvertex tdata.normal.x = n[0] tdata.normal.y = n[1] tdata.normal.z = n[2] data.num_vertices += len(vertices) data.vertices.update_size() for vdata, v in zip(data.vertices[firstvertex:], vertices): vdata.x = v[0] / 7.0 vdata.y = v[1] / 7.0 vdata.z = v[2] / 7.0
[docs] def get_vertex_hash_generator( self, vertexprecision=3, subshape_index=None): """Generator which produces a tuple of integers for each vertex to ease detection of duplicate/close enough to remove vertices. The precision parameter denote number of significant digits behind the comma. For vertexprecision, 3 seems usually enough (maybe we'll have to increase this at some point). >>> shape = NifFormat.bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape() >>> data = NifFormat.hkPackedNiTriStripsData() >>> = data >>> shape.num_sub_shapes = 2 >>> shape.sub_shapes.update_size() >>> data.num_vertices = 3 >>> shape.sub_shapes[0].num_vertices = 2 >>> shape.sub_shapes[1].num_vertices = 1 >>> data.vertices.update_size() >>> data.vertices[0].x = 0.0 >>> data.vertices[0].y = 0.1 >>> data.vertices[0].z = 0.2 >>> data.vertices[1].x = 1.0 >>> data.vertices[1].y = 1.1 >>> data.vertices[1].z = 1.2 >>> data.vertices[2].x = 2.0 >>> data.vertices[2].y = 2.1 >>> data.vertices[2].z = 2.2 >>> list(shape.get_vertex_hash_generator()) [(0, (0, 100, 200)), (0, (1000, 1100, 1200)), (1, (2000, 2100, 2200))] >>> list(shape.get_vertex_hash_generator(subshape_index=0)) [(0, 100, 200), (1000, 1100, 1200)] >>> list(shape.get_vertex_hash_generator(subshape_index=1)) [(2000, 2100, 2200)] :param vertexprecision: Precision to be used for vertices. :type vertexprecision: float :return: A generator yielding a hash value for each vertex. """ vertexfactor = 10 ** vertexprecision if subshape_index is None: for matid, vert in zip(chain(*[repeat(i, sub_shape.num_vertices) for i, sub_shape in enumerate(self.get_sub_shapes())]), yield (matid, tuple(float_to_int(value * vertexfactor) for value in vert.as_list())) else: first_vertex = 0 for i, subshape in zip(range(subshape_index), self.get_sub_shapes()): first_vertex += subshape.num_vertices for vert_index in range( first_vertex, first_vertex + self.get_sub_shapes()[subshape_index].num_vertices): yield tuple(float_to_int(value * vertexfactor) for value in[vert_index].as_list())
[docs] def get_triangle_hash_generator(self): """Generator which produces a tuple of integers, or None in degenerate case, for each triangle to ease detection of duplicate triangles. >>> shape = NifFormat.bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape() >>> data = NifFormat.hkPackedNiTriStripsData() >>> = data >>> data.num_triangles = 6 >>> data.triangles.update_size() >>> data.triangles[0].triangle.v_1 = 0 >>> data.triangles[0].triangle.v_2 = 1 >>> data.triangles[0].triangle.v_3 = 2 >>> data.triangles[1].triangle.v_1 = 2 >>> data.triangles[1].triangle.v_2 = 1 >>> data.triangles[1].triangle.v_3 = 3 >>> data.triangles[2].triangle.v_1 = 3 >>> data.triangles[2].triangle.v_2 = 2 >>> data.triangles[2].triangle.v_3 = 1 >>> data.triangles[3].triangle.v_1 = 3 >>> data.triangles[3].triangle.v_2 = 1 >>> data.triangles[3].triangle.v_3 = 2 >>> data.triangles[4].triangle.v_1 = 0 >>> data.triangles[4].triangle.v_2 = 0 >>> data.triangles[4].triangle.v_3 = 3 >>> data.triangles[5].triangle.v_1 = 1 >>> data.triangles[5].triangle.v_2 = 3 >>> data.triangles[5].triangle.v_3 = 4 >>> list(shape.get_triangle_hash_generator()) [(0, 1, 2), (1, 3, 2), (1, 3, 2), (1, 2, 3), None, (1, 3, 4)] :return: A generator yielding a hash value for each triangle. """ for tri in v_1, v_2, v_3 = tri.triangle.v_1, tri.triangle.v_2, tri.triangle.v_3 if v_1 == v_2 or v_2 == v_3 or v_3 == v_1: # degenerate yield None elif v_1 < v_2 and v_1 < v_3: # v_1 smallest yield v_1, v_2, v_3 elif v_2 < v_1 and v_2 < v_3: # v_2 smallest yield v_2, v_3, v_1 else: # v_3 smallest yield v_3, v_1, v_2
[docs] class bhkRagdollConstraint:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Scale data.""" # apply scale on transform self.ragdoll.pivot_a.x *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_a.y *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_a.z *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_b.x *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_b.y *= scale self.ragdoll.pivot_b.z *= scale
[docs] def update_a_b(self, parent): """Update the B data from the A data.""" self.ragdoll.update_a_b(self.get_transform_a_b(parent))
[docs] class bhkRefObject:
[docs] def get_shape_mass_center_inertia(self, density=1, solid=True): """Return mass, center of gravity, and inertia tensor of this object's shape, if self.shape is not None. If self.shape is None, then returns zeros for everything. """ if not self.shape: mass = 0 center = (0, 0, 0) inertia = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) else: mass, center, inertia = self.shape.get_mass_center_inertia( density=density, solid=solid) return mass, center, inertia
[docs] class bhkRigidBody:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor <scale> on data.""" # apply scale on transform self.translation.x *= scale self.translation.y *= scale self.translation.z *= scale # apply scale on center of gravity *= scale *= scale *= scale # apply scale on inertia tensor self.inertia.m_11 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_12 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_13 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_14 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_21 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_22 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_23 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_24 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_31 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_32 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_33 *= (scale ** 2) self.inertia.m_34 *= (scale ** 2)
[docs] def update_mass_center_inertia(self, density=1, solid=True, mass=None): """Look at all the objects under this rigid body and update the mass, center of gravity, and inertia tensor accordingly. If the C{mass} parameter is given then the C{density} argument is ignored.""" if not mass is None: density = 1 calc_mass, center, inertia = self.get_shape_mass_center_inertia( density=density, solid=solid) self.mass = calc_mass,, = center self.inertia.m_11 = inertia[0][0] self.inertia.m_12 = inertia[0][1] self.inertia.m_13 = inertia[0][2] self.inertia.m_14 = 0 self.inertia.m_21 = inertia[1][0] self.inertia.m_22 = inertia[1][1] self.inertia.m_23 = inertia[1][2] self.inertia.m_24 = 0 self.inertia.m_31 = inertia[2][0] self.inertia.m_32 = inertia[2][1] self.inertia.m_33 = inertia[2][2] self.inertia.m_34 = 0 if not mass is None: mass_correction = mass / calc_mass if calc_mass != 0 else 1 self.mass = mass self.inertia.m_11 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_12 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_13 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_14 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_21 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_22 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_23 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_24 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_31 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_32 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_33 *= mass_correction self.inertia.m_34 *= mass_correction
[docs] class bhkSphereShape:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor <scale> on data.""" # apply scale on dimensions self.radius *= scale
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density = 1, solid = True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" # the dimensions describe half the size of the box in each dimension # so the length of a single edge is dimension.dir * 2 mass, inertia = pyffi.utils.inertia.getMassInertiaSphere( self.radius, density = density, solid = solid) return mass, (0,0,0), inertia
[docs] class bhkTransformShape:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor <scale> on data.""" # apply scale on translation self.transform.m_14 *= scale self.transform.m_24 *= scale self.transform.m_34 *= scale
[docs] def get_mass_center_inertia(self, density=1, solid=True): """Return mass, center, and inertia tensor.""" # get shape mass, center, and inertia mass, center, inertia = self.get_shape_mass_center_inertia( density=density, solid=solid) # get transform matrix and translation vector transform = self.transform.get_matrix_33().as_tuple() transform_transposed = matTransposed(transform) translation = ( self.transform.m_14, self.transform.m_24, self.transform.m_34 ) # transform center and inertia center = matvecMul(transform, center) center = vecAdd(center, translation) inertia = matMul(matMul(transform_transposed, inertia), transform) # return updated mass center and inertia return mass, center, inertia
[docs] class BSBound:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Scale data.""" *= scale *= scale *= scale self.dimensions.x *= scale self.dimensions.y *= scale self.dimensions.z *= scale
[docs] class BSDismemberSkinInstance:
[docs] def get_dismember_partitions(self): """Return triangles and body part indices.""" triangles = [] trianglepartmap = [] for bodypart, skinpartblock in zip( self.partitions, self.skin_partition.skin_partition_blocks): part_triangles = list(skinpartblock.get_mapped_triangles()) triangles += part_triangles trianglepartmap += [bodypart.body_part] * len(part_triangles) return triangles, trianglepartmap
[docs] class hkPackedNiTriStripsData:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" if abs(scale - 1.0) < NifFormat.EPSILON: return for vert in self.vertices: vert.x *= scale vert.y *= scale vert.z *= scale
[docs] class InertiaMatrix:
[docs] def as_list(self): """Return matrix as 3x3 list.""" return [ [self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13], [self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23], [self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33] ]
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """Return matrix as 3x3 tuple.""" return ( (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13), (self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23), (self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33) )
def __str__(self): return( "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" % (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33))
[docs] def set_identity(self): """Set to identity matrix.""" self.m_11 = 1.0 self.m_12 = 0.0 self.m_13 = 0.0 self.m_14 = 0.0 self.m_21 = 0.0 self.m_22 = 1.0 self.m_23 = 0.0 self.m_24 = 0.0 self.m_31 = 0.0 self.m_32 = 0.0 self.m_33 = 1.0 self.m_34 = 0.0
[docs] def is_identity(self): """Return ``True`` if the matrix is close to identity.""" if (abs(self.m_11 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_12) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_13) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_21) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_22 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_23) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_31) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_32) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_33 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON): return False else: return True
[docs] def get_copy(self): """Return a copy of the matrix.""" mat = NifFormat.InertiaMatrix() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 mat.m_12 = self.m_12 mat.m_13 = self.m_13 mat.m_14 = self.m_14 mat.m_21 = self.m_21 mat.m_22 = self.m_22 mat.m_23 = self.m_23 mat.m_24 = self.m_24 mat.m_31 = self.m_31 mat.m_32 = self.m_32 mat.m_33 = self.m_33 mat.m_34 = self.m_34 return mat
def __eq__(self, mat): if not isinstance(mat, NifFormat.InertiaMatrix): raise TypeError( "do not know how to compare InertiaMatrix and %s"%mat.__class__) if (abs(self.m_11 - mat.m_11) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_12 - mat.m_12) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_13 - mat.m_13) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_21 - mat.m_21) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_22 - mat.m_22) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_23 - mat.m_23) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_31 - mat.m_31) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_32 - mat.m_32) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_33 - mat.m_33) > NifFormat.EPSILON): return False return True def __ne__(self, mat): return not self.__eq__(mat)
[docs] class LimitedHingeDescriptor:
[docs] def update_a_b(self, transform): """Update B pivot and axes from A using the given transform.""" # pivot point pivot_b = ((7 * self.pivot_a.get_vector_3()) * transform) / 7.0 self.pivot_b.x = pivot_b.x self.pivot_b.y = pivot_b.y self.pivot_b.z = pivot_b.z # axes (rotation only) transform = transform.get_matrix_33() axle_b = self.axle_a.get_vector_3() * transform perp_2_axle_in_b_2 = self.perp_2_axle_in_a_2.get_vector_3() * transform self.axle_b.x = axle_b.x self.axle_b.y = axle_b.y self.axle_b.z = axle_b.z self.perp_2_axle_in_b_2.x = perp_2_axle_in_b_2.x self.perp_2_axle_in_b_2.y = perp_2_axle_in_b_2.y self.perp_2_axle_in_b_2.z = perp_2_axle_in_b_2.z
[docs] class Matrix44:
[docs] def as_list(self): """Return matrix as 4x4 list.""" return [ [self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14], [self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24], [self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34], [self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44] ]
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """Return matrix as 4x4 tuple.""" return ( (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14), (self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24), (self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34), (self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44) )
[docs] def set_rows(self, row0, row1, row2, row3): """Set matrix from rows.""" self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14 = row0 self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24 = row1 self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34 = row2 self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44 = row3
def __str__(self): return( "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n" % (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14, self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24, self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34, self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44))
[docs] def set_identity(self): """Set to identity matrix.""" self.m_11 = 1.0 self.m_12 = 0.0 self.m_13 = 0.0 self.m_14 = 0.0 self.m_21 = 0.0 self.m_22 = 1.0 self.m_23 = 0.0 self.m_24 = 0.0 self.m_31 = 0.0 self.m_32 = 0.0 self.m_33 = 1.0 self.m_34 = 0.0 self.m_41 = 0.0 self.m_42 = 0.0 self.m_43 = 0.0 self.m_44 = 1.0
[docs] def is_identity(self): """Return ``True`` if the matrix is close to identity.""" if (abs(self.m_11 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_12) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_13) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_14) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_21) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_22 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_23) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_24) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_31) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_32) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_33 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_34) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_41) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_42) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_43) > NifFormat.EPSILON or abs(self.m_44 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON): return False else: return True
[docs] def get_copy(self): """Create a copy of the matrix.""" mat = NifFormat.Matrix44() mat.m_11 = self.m_11 mat.m_12 = self.m_12 mat.m_13 = self.m_13 mat.m_14 = self.m_14 mat.m_21 = self.m_21 mat.m_22 = self.m_22 mat.m_23 = self.m_23 mat.m_24 = self.m_24 mat.m_31 = self.m_31 mat.m_32 = self.m_32 mat.m_33 = self.m_33 mat.m_34 = self.m_34 mat.m_41 = self.m_41 mat.m_42 = self.m_42 mat.m_43 = self.m_43 mat.m_44 = self.m_44 return mat
[docs] def get_matrix_33(self): """Returns upper left 3x3 part.""" m = NifFormat.Matrix33() m.m_11 = self.m_11 m.m_12 = self.m_12 m.m_13 = self.m_13 m.m_21 = self.m_21 m.m_22 = self.m_22 m.m_23 = self.m_23 m.m_31 = self.m_31 m.m_32 = self.m_32 m.m_33 = self.m_33 return m
[docs] def set_matrix_33(self, m): """Sets upper left 3x3 part.""" if not isinstance(m, NifFormat.Matrix33): raise TypeError('argument must be Matrix33') self.m_11 = m.m_11 self.m_12 = m.m_12 self.m_13 = m.m_13 self.m_21 = m.m_21 self.m_22 = m.m_22 self.m_23 = m.m_23 self.m_31 = m.m_31 self.m_32 = m.m_32 self.m_33 = m.m_33
[docs] def get_translation(self): """Returns lower left 1x3 part.""" t = NifFormat.Vector3() t.x = self.m_41 t.y = self.m_42 t.z = self.m_43 return t
[docs] def set_translation(self, translation): """Returns lower left 1x3 part.""" if not isinstance(translation, NifFormat.Vector3): raise TypeError('argument must be Vector3') self.m_41 = translation.x self.m_42 = translation.y self.m_43 = translation.z
[docs] def is_scale_rotation_translation(self): if not self.get_matrix_33().is_scale_rotation(): return False if abs(self.m_14) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_24) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_34) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_44 - 1.0) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False return True
[docs] def get_scale_rotation_translation(self): rotscl = self.get_matrix_33() scale = rotscl.get_scale() rot = rotscl / scale trans = self.get_translation() return (scale, rot, trans)
[docs] def get_scale_quat_translation(self): rotscl = self.get_matrix_33() scale, quat = rotscl.get_scale_quat() trans = self.get_translation() return (scale, quat, trans)
[docs] def set_scale_rotation_translation(self, scale, rotation, translation): if not isinstance(scale, (float, int)): raise TypeError('scale must be float') if not isinstance(rotation, NifFormat.Matrix33): raise TypeError('rotation must be Matrix33') if not isinstance(translation, NifFormat.Vector3): raise TypeError('translation must be Vector3') if not rotation.is_rotation(): logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.matrix") mat = rotation * rotation.get_transpose() idmat = NifFormat.Matrix33() idmat.set_identity() error = (mat - idmat).sup_norm() logger.warning("improper rotation matrix (error is %f)" % error) logger.debug(" matrix =") for line in str(rotation).split("\n"): logger.debug(" %s" % line) logger.debug(" its determinant = %f" % rotation.get_determinant()) logger.debug(" matrix * matrix^T =") for line in str(mat).split("\n"): logger.debug(" %s" % line) self.m_14 = 0.0 self.m_24 = 0.0 self.m_34 = 0.0 self.m_44 = 1.0 self.set_matrix_33(rotation * scale) self.set_translation(translation)
[docs] def get_inverse(self, fast=True): """Calculates inverse (fast assumes is_scale_rotation_translation is True).""" def adjoint(m, ii, jj): result = [] for i, row in enumerate(m): if i == ii: continue result.append([]) for j, x in enumerate(row): if j == jj: continue result[-1].append(x) return result def determinant(m): if len(m) == 2: return m[0][0]*m[1][1] - m[1][0]*m[0][1] result = 0.0 for i in range(len(m)): det = determinant(adjoint(m, i, 0)) if i & 1: result -= m[i][0] * det else: result += m[i][0] * det return result if fast: m = self.get_matrix_33().get_inverse() t = -(self.get_translation() * m) n = NifFormat.Matrix44() n.m_14 = 0.0 n.m_24 = 0.0 n.m_34 = 0.0 n.m_44 = 1.0 n.set_matrix_33(m) n.set_translation(t) return n else: m = self.as_list() nn = [[0.0 for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)] det = determinant(m) if abs(det) < NifFormat.EPSILON: raise ZeroDivisionError('cannot invert matrix:\n%s'%self) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if (i+j) & 1: nn[j][i] = -determinant(adjoint(m, i, j)) / det else: nn[j][i] = determinant(adjoint(m, i, j)) / det n = NifFormat.Matrix44() n.set_rows(*nn) return n
def __mul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 * x m.m_12 = self.m_12 * x m.m_13 = self.m_13 * x m.m_14 = self.m_14 * x m.m_21 = self.m_21 * x m.m_22 = self.m_22 * x m.m_23 = self.m_23 * x m.m_24 = self.m_24 * x m.m_31 = self.m_31 * x m.m_32 = self.m_32 * x m.m_33 = self.m_33 * x m.m_34 = self.m_34 * x m.m_41 = self.m_41 * x m.m_42 = self.m_42 * x m.m_43 = self.m_43 * x m.m_44 = self.m_44 * x return m elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector3): raise TypeError("matrix*vector not supported; please use left multiplication (vector*matrix)") elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Vector4): raise TypeError("matrix*vector not supported; please use left multiplication (vector*matrix)") elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.Matrix44): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 * x.m_11 + self.m_12 * x.m_21 + self.m_13 * x.m_31 + self.m_14 * x.m_41 m.m_12 = self.m_11 * x.m_12 + self.m_12 * x.m_22 + self.m_13 * x.m_32 + self.m_14 * x.m_42 m.m_13 = self.m_11 * x.m_13 + self.m_12 * x.m_23 + self.m_13 * x.m_33 + self.m_14 * x.m_43 m.m_14 = self.m_11 * x.m_14 + self.m_12 * x.m_24 + self.m_13 * x.m_34 + self.m_14 * x.m_44 m.m_21 = self.m_21 * x.m_11 + self.m_22 * x.m_21 + self.m_23 * x.m_31 + self.m_24 * x.m_41 m.m_22 = self.m_21 * x.m_12 + self.m_22 * x.m_22 + self.m_23 * x.m_32 + self.m_24 * x.m_42 m.m_23 = self.m_21 * x.m_13 + self.m_22 * x.m_23 + self.m_23 * x.m_33 + self.m_24 * x.m_43 m.m_24 = self.m_21 * x.m_14 + self.m_22 * x.m_24 + self.m_23 * x.m_34 + self.m_24 * x.m_44 m.m_31 = self.m_31 * x.m_11 + self.m_32 * x.m_21 + self.m_33 * x.m_31 + self.m_34 * x.m_41 m.m_32 = self.m_31 * x.m_12 + self.m_32 * x.m_22 + self.m_33 * x.m_32 + self.m_34 * x.m_42 m.m_33 = self.m_31 * x.m_13 + self.m_32 * x.m_23 + self.m_33 * x.m_33 + self.m_34 * x.m_43 m.m_34 = self.m_31 * x.m_14 + self.m_32 * x.m_24 + self.m_33 * x.m_34 + self.m_34 * x.m_44 m.m_41 = self.m_41 * x.m_11 + self.m_42 * x.m_21 + self.m_43 * x.m_31 + self.m_44 * x.m_41 m.m_42 = self.m_41 * x.m_12 + self.m_42 * x.m_22 + self.m_43 * x.m_32 + self.m_44 * x.m_42 m.m_43 = self.m_41 * x.m_13 + self.m_42 * x.m_23 + self.m_43 * x.m_33 + self.m_44 * x.m_43 m.m_44 = self.m_41 * x.m_14 + self.m_42 * x.m_24 + self.m_43 * x.m_34 + self.m_44 * x.m_44 return m else: raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply Matrix44 with %s"%x.__class__) def __div__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 / x m.m_12 = self.m_12 / x m.m_13 = self.m_13 / x m.m_14 = self.m_14 / x m.m_21 = self.m_21 / x m.m_22 = self.m_22 / x m.m_23 = self.m_23 / x m.m_24 = self.m_24 / x m.m_31 = self.m_31 / x m.m_32 = self.m_32 / x m.m_33 = self.m_33 / x m.m_34 = self.m_34 / x m.m_41 = self.m_41 / x m.m_42 = self.m_42 / x m.m_43 = self.m_43 / x m.m_44 = self.m_44 / x return m else: raise TypeError("do not know how to divide Matrix44 by %s"%x.__class__) # py3k __truediv__ = __div__ def __rmul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): return self * x else: raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply %s with Matrix44"%x.__class__) def __eq__(self, m): if isinstance(m, type(None)): return False if not isinstance(m, NifFormat.Matrix44): raise TypeError("do not know how to compare Matrix44 and %s"%m.__class__) if abs(self.m_11 - m.m_11) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_12 - m.m_12) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_13 - m.m_13) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_14 - m.m_14) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_21 - m.m_21) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_22 - m.m_22) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_23 - m.m_23) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_24 - m.m_24) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_31 - m.m_31) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_32 - m.m_32) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_33 - m.m_33) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_34 - m.m_34) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_41 - m.m_41) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_42 - m.m_42) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_43 - m.m_43) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False if abs(self.m_44 - m.m_44) > NifFormat.EPSILON: return False return True def __ne__(self, m): return not self.__eq__(m) def __add__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (NifFormat.Matrix44)): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 + x.m_11 m.m_12 = self.m_12 + x.m_12 m.m_13 = self.m_13 + x.m_13 m.m_14 = self.m_14 + x.m_14 m.m_21 = self.m_21 + x.m_21 m.m_22 = self.m_22 + x.m_22 m.m_23 = self.m_23 + x.m_23 m.m_24 = self.m_24 + x.m_24 m.m_31 = self.m_31 + x.m_31 m.m_32 = self.m_32 + x.m_32 m.m_33 = self.m_33 + x.m_33 m.m_34 = self.m_34 + x.m_34 m.m_41 = self.m_41 + x.m_41 m.m_42 = self.m_42 + x.m_42 m.m_43 = self.m_43 + x.m_43 m.m_44 = self.m_44 + x.m_44 return m elif isinstance(x, (int, float)): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 + x m.m_12 = self.m_12 + x m.m_13 = self.m_13 + x m.m_14 = self.m_14 + x m.m_21 = self.m_21 + x m.m_22 = self.m_22 + x m.m_23 = self.m_23 + x m.m_24 = self.m_24 + x m.m_31 = self.m_31 + x m.m_32 = self.m_32 + x m.m_33 = self.m_33 + x m.m_34 = self.m_34 + x m.m_41 = self.m_41 + x m.m_42 = self.m_42 + x m.m_43 = self.m_43 + x m.m_44 = self.m_44 + x return m else: raise TypeError("do not know how to add Matrix44 and %s"%x.__class__) def __sub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (NifFormat.Matrix44)): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 - x.m_11 m.m_12 = self.m_12 - x.m_12 m.m_13 = self.m_13 - x.m_13 m.m_14 = self.m_14 - x.m_14 m.m_21 = self.m_21 - x.m_21 m.m_22 = self.m_22 - x.m_22 m.m_23 = self.m_23 - x.m_23 m.m_24 = self.m_24 - x.m_24 m.m_31 = self.m_31 - x.m_31 m.m_32 = self.m_32 - x.m_32 m.m_33 = self.m_33 - x.m_33 m.m_34 = self.m_34 - x.m_34 m.m_41 = self.m_41 - x.m_41 m.m_42 = self.m_42 - x.m_42 m.m_43 = self.m_43 - x.m_43 m.m_44 = self.m_44 - x.m_44 return m elif isinstance(x, (int, float)): m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.m_11 = self.m_11 - x m.m_12 = self.m_12 - x m.m_13 = self.m_13 - x m.m_14 = self.m_14 - x m.m_21 = self.m_21 - x m.m_22 = self.m_22 - x m.m_23 = self.m_23 - x m.m_24 = self.m_24 - x m.m_31 = self.m_31 - x m.m_32 = self.m_32 - x m.m_33 = self.m_33 - x m.m_34 = self.m_34 - x m.m_41 = self.m_41 - x m.m_42 = self.m_42 - x m.m_43 = self.m_43 - x m.m_44 = self.m_44 - x return m else: raise TypeError("do not know how to substract Matrix44 and %s" % x.__class__)
[docs] def sup_norm(self): """Calculate supremum norm of matrix (maximum absolute value of all entries).""" return max(max(abs(elem) for elem in row) for row in self.as_list())
[docs] class NiAVObject: """ >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> node = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> prop1 = NifFormat.NiProperty() >>> = "hello" >>> prop2 = NifFormat.NiProperty() >>> = "world" >>> node.get_properties() [] >>> node.set_properties([prop1, prop2]) >>> [ for prop in node.get_properties()] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> [ for prop in] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> node.set_properties([]) >>> node.get_properties() [] >>> # now set them the other way around >>> node.set_properties([prop2, prop1]) >>> [ for prop in node.get_properties()] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> [ for prop in] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> node.remove_property(prop2) >>> [ for prop in] [b'hello'] >>> node.add_property(prop2) >>> [ for prop in] [b'hello', b'world'] """
[docs] def add_property(self, prop): """Add the given property to the property list. :param prop: The property block to add. :type prop: L{NifFormat.NiProperty} """ num_props = self.num_properties self.num_properties = num_props + 1[num_props] = prop
[docs] def remove_property(self, prop): """Remove the given property to the property list. :param prop: The property block to remove. :type prop: L{NifFormat.NiProperty} """ self.set_properties([otherprop for otherprop in self.get_properties() if not(otherprop is prop)])
[docs] def get_properties(self): """Return a list of the properties of the block. :return: The list of properties. :rtype: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiProperty} """ return [prop for prop in]
[docs] def set_properties(self, proplist): """Set the list of properties from the given list (destroys existing list). :param proplist: The list of property blocks to set. :type proplist: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiProperty} """ self.num_properties = len(proplist) for i, prop in enumerate(proplist):[i] = prop
[docs] def get_transform(self, relative_to=None): """Return scale, rotation, and translation into a single 4x4 matrix, relative to the C{relative_to} block (which should be another NiAVObject connecting to this block). If C{relative_to} is ``None``, then returns the transform stored in C{self}, or equivalently, the target is assumed to be the parent. :param relative_to: The block relative to which the transform must be calculated. If ``None``, the local transform is returned. """ m = NifFormat.Matrix44() m.set_scale_rotation_translation(self.scale, self.rotation, self.translation) if not relative_to: return m # find chain from relative_to to self chain = relative_to.find_chain(self, block_type = NifFormat.NiAVObject) if not chain: raise ValueError( 'cannot find a chain of NiAVObject blocks ' 'between %s and %s.' % (, # and multiply with all transform matrices (not including relative_to) for block in reversed(chain[1:-1]): m *= block.get_transform() return m
[docs] def set_transform(self, m): """Set rotation, translation, and scale, from a 4x4 matrix. :param m: The matrix to which the transform should be set.""" scale, rotation, translation = m.get_scale_rotation_translation() self.scale = scale self.rotation.m_11 = rotation.m_11 self.rotation.m_12 = rotation.m_12 self.rotation.m_13 = rotation.m_13 self.rotation.m_21 = rotation.m_21 self.rotation.m_22 = rotation.m_22 self.rotation.m_23 = rotation.m_23 self.rotation.m_31 = rotation.m_31 self.rotation.m_32 = rotation.m_32 self.rotation.m_33 = rotation.m_33 self.translation.x = translation.x self.translation.y = translation.y self.translation.z = translation.z
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data. :param scale: The scale factor.""" # apply scale on translation self.translation.x *= scale self.translation.y *= scale self.translation.z *= scale # apply scale on bounding box self.bounding_box.translation.x *= scale self.bounding_box.translation.y *= scale self.bounding_box.translation.z *= scale self.bounding_box.radius.x *= scale self.bounding_box.radius.y *= scale self.bounding_box.radius.z *= scale
[docs] class NiBSplineCompTransformInterpolator:
[docs] def get_translations(self): """Return an iterator over all translation keys.""" return self._getCompKeys(self.translation_offset, 3, self.translation_bias, self.translation_multiplier)
[docs] def get_rotations(self): """Return an iterator over all rotation keys.""" return self._getCompKeys(self.rotation_offset, 4, self.rotation_bias, self.rotation_multiplier)
[docs] def get_scales(self): """Return an iterator over all scale keys.""" for key in self._getCompKeys(self.scale_offset, 1, self.scale_bias, self.scale_multiplier): yield key[0]
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" self.translation.x *= scale self.translation.y *= scale self.translation.z *= scale self.translation_bias *= scale self.translation_multiplier *= scale
[docs] class NiBSplineData: """ >>> # a doctest >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> block = NifFormat.NiBSplineData() >>> block.num_short_control_points = 50 >>> block.short_control_points.update_size() >>> for i in range(block.num_short_control_points): ... block.short_control_points[i] = 20 - i >>> list(block.get_short_data(12, 4, 3)) [(8, 7, 6), (5, 4, 3), (2, 1, 0), (-1, -2, -3)] >>> offset = block.append_short_data([(1,2),(4,3),(13,14),(8,2),(33,33)]) >>> offset 50 >>> list(block.get_short_data(offset, 5, 2)) [(1, 2), (4, 3), (13, 14), (8, 2), (33, 33)] >>> list(block.get_comp_data(offset, 5, 2, 10.0, 32767.0)) [(11.0, 12.0), (14.0, 13.0), (23.0, 24.0), (18.0, 12.0), (43.0, 43.0)] >>> block.append_float_data([(1.0,2.0),(3.0,4.0),(0.5,0.25)]) 0 >>> list(block.get_float_data(0, 3, 2)) [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0), (0.5, 0.25)] >>> block.append_comp_data([(1,2),(4,3)]) (60, 2.5, 1.5) >>> list(block.get_short_data(60, 2, 2)) [(-32767, -10922), (32767, 10922)] >>> list(block.get_comp_data(60, 2, 2, 2.5, 1.5)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [(1.0, 2.00...), (4.0, 2.99...)] """ def _getData(self, offset, num_elements, element_size, controlpoints): """Helper function for get_float_data and get_short_data. For internal use only.""" # check arguments if not (controlpoints is self.float_control_points or controlpoints is self.short_control_points): raise ValueError("internal error while appending data") # parse the data for element in range(num_elements): yield tuple( controlpoints[offset + element * element_size + index] for index in range(element_size)) def _appendData(self, data, controlpoints): """Helper function for append_float_data and append_short_data. For internal use only.""" # get number of elements num_elements = len(data) # empty list, do nothing if num_elements == 0: return # get element size element_size = len(data[0]) # store offset at which we append the data if controlpoints is self.float_control_points: offset = self.num_float_control_points self.num_float_control_points += num_elements * element_size elif controlpoints is self.short_control_points: offset = self.num_short_control_points self.num_short_control_points += num_elements * element_size else: raise ValueError("internal error while appending data") # update size controlpoints.update_size() # store the data for element, datum in enumerate(data): for index, value in enumerate(datum): controlpoints[offset + element * element_size + index] = value # return the offset return offset
[docs] def get_short_data(self, offset, num_elements, element_size): """Get an iterator to the data. :param offset: The offset in the data where to start. :param num_elements: Number of elements to get. :param element_size: Size of a single element. :return: A list of C{num_elements} tuples of size C{element_size}. """ return self._getData( offset, num_elements, element_size, self.short_control_points)
[docs] def get_comp_data(self, offset, num_elements, element_size, bias, multiplier): """Get an interator to the data, converted to float with extra bias and multiplication factor. If C{x} is the short value, then the returned value is C{bias + x * multiplier / 32767.0}. :param offset: The offset in the data where to start. :param num_elements: Number of elements to get. :param element_size: Size of a single element. :param bias: Value bias. :param multiplier: Value multiplier. :return: A list of C{num_elements} tuples of size C{element_size}. """ for key in self.get_short_data(offset, num_elements, element_size): yield tuple(bias + x * multiplier / 32767.0 for x in key)
[docs] def append_short_data(self, data): """Append data. :param data: A list of elements, where each element is a tuple of integers. (Note: cannot be an interator; maybe this restriction will be removed in a future version.) :return: The offset at which the data was appended.""" return self._appendData(data, self.short_control_points)
[docs] def append_comp_data(self, data): """Append data as compressed list. :param data: A list of elements, where each element is a tuple of integers. (Note: cannot be an interator; maybe this restriction will be removed in a future version.) :return: The offset, bias, and multiplier.""" # get extremes maxvalue = max(max(datum) for datum in data) minvalue = min(min(datum) for datum in data) # get bias and multiplier bias = 0.5 * (maxvalue + minvalue) if maxvalue > minvalue: multiplier = 0.5 * (maxvalue - minvalue) else: # no need to compress in this case multiplier = 1.0 # compress points into shorts shortdata = [] for datum in data: shortdata.append(tuple(int(32767 * (x - bias) / multiplier) for x in datum)) return (self._appendData(shortdata, self.short_control_points), bias, multiplier)
[docs] def get_float_data(self, offset, num_elements, element_size): """Get an iterator to the data. :param offset: The offset in the data where to start. :param num_elements: Number of elements to get. :param element_size: Size of a single element. :return: A list of C{num_elements} tuples of size C{element_size}. """ return self._getData( offset, num_elements, element_size, self.float_control_points)
[docs] def append_float_data(self, data): """Append data. :param data: A list of elements, where each element is a tuple of floats. (Note: cannot be an interator; maybe this restriction will be removed in a future version.) :return: The offset at which the data was appended.""" return self._appendData(data, self.float_control_points)
[docs] class NiBSplineInterpolator:
[docs] def get_times(self): """Return an iterator over all key times. @todo: When code for calculating the bsplines is ready, this function will return exactly self.basis_data.num_control_points - 1 time points, and not self.basis_data.num_control_points as it is now. """ # is there basis data? if not self.basis_data: return # return all times for i in range(self.basis_data.num_control_points): yield ( self.start_time + (i * (self.stop_time - self.start_time) / (self.basis_data.num_control_points - 1)) )
def _getFloatKeys(self, offset, element_size): """Helper function to get iterator to various keys. Internal use only.""" # are there keys? if offset == 65535: return # is there basis data and spline data? if not self.basis_data or not self.spline_data: return # yield all keys for key in self.spline_data.get_float_data(offset, self.basis_data.num_control_points, element_size): yield key def _getCompKeys(self, offset, element_size, bias, multiplier): """Helper function to get iterator to various keys. Internal use only.""" # are there keys? if offset == 65535: return # is there basis data and spline data? if not self.basis_data or not self.spline_data: return # yield all keys for key in self.spline_data.get_comp_data(offset, self.basis_data.num_control_points, element_size, bias, multiplier): yield key
[docs] class NiBSplineTransformInterpolator:
[docs] def get_translations(self): """Return an iterator over all translation keys.""" return self._getFloatKeys(self.translation_offset, 3)
[docs] def get_rotations(self): """Return an iterator over all rotation keys.""" return self._getFloatKeys(self.rotation_offset, 4)
[docs] def get_scales(self): """Return an iterator over all scale keys.""" for key in self._getFloatKeys(self.scale_offset, 1): yield key[0]
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" self.translation.x *= scale self.translation.y *= scale self.translation.z *= scale # also scale translation float keys if self.translation_offset != 65535: offset = self.translation_offset num_elements = self.basis_data.num_control_points element_size = 3 controlpoints = self.spline_data.float_control_points for element in range(num_elements): for index in range(element_size): controlpoints[offset + element * element_size + index] *= scale
[docs] class NiControllerSequence:
[docs] def add_controlled_block(self): """Create new controlled block, and return it. >>> seq = NifFormat.NiControllerSequence() >>> seq.num_controlled_blocks 0 >>> ctrlblock = seq.add_controlled_block() >>> seq.num_controlled_blocks 1 >>> isinstance(ctrlblock, NifFormat.ControllerLink) True """ # add to the list num_blocks = self.num_controlled_blocks self.num_controlled_blocks = num_blocks + 1 self.controlled_blocks.update_size() return self.controlled_blocks[-1]
[docs] class NiGeometryData: """ >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> geomdata = NifFormat.NiGeometryData() >>> geomdata.num_vertices = 3 >>> geomdata.has_vertices = True >>> geomdata.has_normals = True >>> geomdata.has_vertex_colors = True >>> geomdata.num_uv_sets = 2 >>> geomdata.vertices.update_size() >>> geomdata.normals.update_size() >>> geomdata.vertex_colors.update_size() >>> geomdata.uv_sets.update_size() >>> geomdata.vertices[0].x = 1 >>> geomdata.vertices[0].y = 2 >>> geomdata.vertices[0].z = 3 >>> geomdata.vertices[1].x = 4 >>> geomdata.vertices[1].y = 5 >>> geomdata.vertices[1].z = 6 >>> geomdata.vertices[2].x = 1.200001 >>> geomdata.vertices[2].y = 3.400001 >>> geomdata.vertices[2].z = 5.600001 >>> geomdata.normals[0].x = 0 >>> geomdata.normals[0].y = 0 >>> geomdata.normals[0].z = 1 >>> geomdata.normals[1].x = 0 >>> geomdata.normals[1].y = 1 >>> geomdata.normals[1].z = 0 >>> geomdata.normals[2].x = 1 >>> geomdata.normals[2].y = 0 >>> geomdata.normals[2].z = 0 >>> geomdata.vertex_colors[1].r = 0.310001 >>> geomdata.vertex_colors[1].g = 0.320001 >>> geomdata.vertex_colors[1].b = 0.330001 >>> geomdata.vertex_colors[1].a = 0.340001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[0][0].u = 0.990001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[0][0].v = 0.980001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[0][2].u = 0.970001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[0][2].v = 0.960001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[1][0].v = 0.910001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[1][0].v = 0.920001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[1][2].v = 0.930001 >>> geomdata.uv_sets[1][2].v = 0.940001 >>> for h in geomdata.get_vertex_hash_generator(): ... print(h) (1000, 2000, 3000, 0, 0, 1000, 99000, 98000, 0, 92000, 0, 0, 0, 0) (4000, 5000, 6000, 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 310, 320, 330, 340) (1200, 3400, 5600, 1000, 0, 0, 97000, 96000, 0, 94000, 0, 0, 0, 0) """
[docs] def update_center_radius(self): """Recalculate center and radius of the data.""" # in case there are no vertices, set center and radius to zero if len(self.vertices) == 0: = 0.0 = 0.0 = 0.0 self.radius = 0.0 return # find extreme values in x, y, and z direction lowx = min([v.x for v in self.vertices]) lowy = min([v.y for v in self.vertices]) lowz = min([v.z for v in self.vertices]) highx = max([v.x for v in self.vertices]) highy = max([v.y for v in self.vertices]) highz = max([v.z for v in self.vertices]) # center is in the center of the bounding box cx = (lowx + highx) * 0.5 cy = (lowy + highy) * 0.5 cz = (lowz + highz) * 0.5 = cx = cy = cz # radius is the largest distance from the center r2 = 0.0 for v in self.vertices: dx = cx - v.x dy = cy - v.y dz = cz - v.z r2 = max(r2, dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) self.radius = r2 ** 0.5
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" if abs(scale - 1.0) < NifFormat.EPSILON: return for v in self.vertices: v.x *= scale v.y *= scale v.z *= scale *= scale *= scale *= scale self.radius *= scale
[docs] def get_vertex_hash_generator( self, vertexprecision=3, normalprecision=3, uvprecision=5, vcolprecision=3): """Generator which produces a tuple of integers for each (vertex, normal, uv, vcol), to ease detection of duplicate vertices. The precision parameters denote number of significant digits behind the comma. Default for uvprecision should really be high because for very large models the uv coordinates can be very close together. For vertexprecision, 3 seems usually enough (maybe we'll have to increase this at some point). :param vertexprecision: Precision to be used for vertices. :type vertexprecision: float :param normalprecision: Precision to be used for normals. :type normalprecision: float :param uvprecision: Precision to be used for uvs. :type uvprecision: float :param vcolprecision: Precision to be used for vertex colors. :type vcolprecision: float :return: A generator yielding a hash value for each vertex. """ verts = self.vertices if self.has_vertices else None norms = self.normals if self.has_normals else None uvsets = self.uv_sets if len(self.uv_sets) else None vcols = self.vertex_colors if self.has_vertex_colors else None vertexfactor = 10 ** vertexprecision normalfactor = 10 ** normalprecision uvfactor = 10 ** uvprecision vcolfactor = 10 ** vcolprecision for i in range(self.num_vertices): h = [] if verts: h.extend([float_to_int(x * vertexfactor) for x in [verts[i].x, verts[i].y, verts[i].z]]) if norms: h.extend([float_to_int(x * normalfactor) for x in [norms[i].x, norms[i].y, norms[i].z]]) if uvsets: for uvset in uvsets: # uvs sometimes have NaN, for example: # oblivion/meshes/architecture/anvil/anvildooruc01.nif h.extend([float_to_int(x * uvfactor) for x in [uvset[i].u, uvset[i].v]]) if vcols: h.extend([float_to_int(x * vcolfactor) for x in [vcols[i].r, vcols[i].g, vcols[i].b, vcols[i].a]]) yield tuple(h)
[docs] class NiGeometry: """ >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> id44 = NifFormat.Matrix44() >>> id44.set_identity() >>> skelroot = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'skelroot' >>> skelroot.set_transform(id44) >>> bone1 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'bone1' >>> bone1.set_transform(id44) >>> bone2 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'bone2' >>> bone2.set_transform(id44) >>> bone21 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'bone21' >>> bone21.set_transform(id44) >>> bone22 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'bone22' >>> bone22.set_transform(id44) >>> bone211 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'bone211' >>> bone211.set_transform(id44) >>> skelroot.add_child(bone1) >>> bone1.add_child(bone2) >>> bone2.add_child(bone21) >>> bone2.add_child(bone22) >>> bone21.add_child(bone211) >>> geom = NifFormat.NiTriShape() >>> = 'geom' >>> geom.set_transform(id44) >>> geomdata = NifFormat.NiTriShapeData() >>> skininst = NifFormat.NiSkinInstance() >>> skindata = NifFormat.NiSkinData() >>> skelroot.add_child(geom) >>> = geomdata >>> geom.skin_instance = skininst >>> skininst.skeleton_root = skelroot >>> = skindata >>> skininst.num_bones = 4 >>> skininst.bones.update_size() >>> skininst.bones[0] = bone1 >>> skininst.bones[1] = bone2 >>> skininst.bones[2] = bone22 >>> skininst.bones[3] = bone211 >>> skindata.num_bones = 4 >>> skindata.bone_list.update_size() >>> [ for child in skelroot.children] [b'bone1', b'geom'] >>> skindata.set_transform(id44) >>> for bonedata in skindata.bone_list: ... bonedata.set_transform(id44) >>> affectedbones = geom.flatten_skin() >>> [ for bone in affectedbones] [b'bone1', b'bone2', b'bone22', b'bone211'] >>> [ for child in skelroot.children] [b'geom', b'bone1', b'bone21', b'bone2', b'bone22', b'bone211'] """
[docs] def is_skin(self): """Returns True if geometry is skinned.""" return self.skin_instance != None
def _validate_skin(self): """Check that skinning blocks are valid. Will raise NifError exception if not.""" if self.skin_instance == None: return if == None: raise NifFormat.NifError('NiGeometry has NiSkinInstance without NiSkinData') if self.skin_instance.skeleton_root == None: raise NifFormat.NifError('NiGeometry has NiSkinInstance without skeleton root') if self.skin_instance.num_bones != raise NifFormat.NifError('NiSkinInstance and NiSkinData have different number of bones')
[docs] def add_bone(self, bone, vert_weights): """Add bone with given vertex weights. After adding all bones, the geometry skinning information should be set from the current position of the bones using the L{update_bind_position} function. :param bone: The bone NiNode block. :param vert_weights: A dictionary mapping each influenced vertex index to a vertex weight.""" self._validate_skin() skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = skelroot = skininst.skeleton_root bone_index = skininst.num_bones skininst.num_bones = bone_index+1 skininst.bones.update_size() skininst.bones[bone_index] = bone skindata.num_bones = bone_index+1 skindata.bone_list.update_size() skinbonedata = skindata.bone_list[bone_index] # set vertex weights skinbonedata.num_vertices = len(vert_weights) skinbonedata.vertex_weights.update_size() for i, (vert_index, vert_weight) in enumerate(iter(vert_weights.items())): skinbonedata.vertex_weights[i].index = vert_index skinbonedata.vertex_weights[i].weight = vert_weight
[docs] def get_vertex_weights(self): """Get vertex weights in a convenient format: list bone and weight per vertex.""" # shortcuts relevant blocks if not self.skin_instance: raise NifFormat.NifError('Cannot get vertex weights of geometry without skin.') self._validate_skin() geomdata = skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = # XXX todo: should we use list of dictionaries for this # where each dict maps bone number to the weight? weights = [[] for i in range(geomdata.num_vertices)] for bonenum, bonedata in enumerate(skindata.bone_list): for skinweight in bonedata.vertex_weights: # skip zero weights if skinweight.weight != 0: # boneweightlist is the list of (bonenum, weight) pairs that # we must update now boneweightlist = weights[skinweight.index] # is bonenum already in there? for i, (otherbonenum, otherweight) in enumerate(boneweightlist): if otherbonenum == bonenum: # yes! add the weight to the bone boneweightlist[i][1] += skinweight.weight break else: # nope... so add new [bone, weight] entry boneweightlist.append([bonenum, skinweight.weight]) return weights
[docs] def flatten_skin(self): """Reposition all bone blocks and geometry block in the tree to be direct children of the skeleton root. Returns list of all used bones by the skin.""" if not self.is_skin(): return [] # nothing to do result = [] # list of repositioned bones self._validate_skin() # validate the skin skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = skelroot = skininst.skeleton_root # reparent geometry self.set_transform(self.get_transform(skelroot)) geometry_parent = skelroot.find_chain(self, block_type = NifFormat.NiAVObject)[-2] geometry_parent.remove_child(self) # detatch geometry from tree skelroot.add_child(self, front = True) # and attatch it to the skeleton root # reparent all the bone blocks for bone_block in skininst.bones: # skeleton root, if it is used as bone, does not need to be processed if bone_block == skelroot: continue # get bone parent bone_parent = skelroot.find_chain(bone_block, block_type = NifFormat.NiAVObject)[-2] # set new child transforms for child in bone_block.children: child.set_transform(child.get_transform(bone_parent)) # reparent children for child in bone_block.children: bone_parent.add_child(child) bone_block.num_children = 0 bone_block.children.update_size() # = remove_child on each child # set new bone transform bone_block.set_transform(bone_block.get_transform(skelroot)) # reparent bone block bone_parent.remove_child(bone_block) skelroot.add_child(bone_block) result.append(bone_block) return result
# The nif skinning algorithm works as follows (as of nifskope): # v' # vertex after skinning in geometry space # = sum over {b in skininst.bones} # sum over all bones b that influence the mesh # weight[v][b] # how much bone b influences vertex v # * v # vertex before skinning in geometry space (as it is stored in the shape data) # * skindata.bone_list[b].transform # transform vertex to bone b space in the rest pose # * b.get_transform(skelroot) # apply animation, by multiplying with all bone matrices in the chain down to the skeleton root; the vertex is now in skeleton root space # * skindata.transform # transforms vertex from skeleton root space back to geometry space
[docs] def get_skin_deformation(self): """Returns a list of vertices and normals in their final position after skinning, in geometry space.""" if not return [], [] if not self.is_skin(): return, self._validate_skin() skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = skelroot = skininst.skeleton_root vertices = [ NifFormat.Vector3() for i in range( ] normals = [ NifFormat.Vector3() for i in range( ] sumweights = [ 0.0 for i in range( ] skin_offset = skindata.get_transform() # store one transform & rotation per bone bone_transforms = [] for i, bone_block in enumerate(skininst.bones): bonedata = skindata.bone_list[i] bone_offset = bonedata.get_transform() bone_matrix = bone_block.get_transform(skelroot) transform = bone_offset * bone_matrix * skin_offset scale, rotation, translation = transform.get_scale_rotation_translation() bone_transforms.append( (transform, rotation) ) # the usual case if skindata.has_vertex_weights: for i, bone_block in enumerate(skininst.bones): bonedata = skindata.bone_list[i] transform, rotation = bone_transforms[i] for skinweight in bonedata.vertex_weights: index = skinweight.index weight = skinweight.weight vertices[index] += weight * ([index] * transform) if normals[index] += weight * ([index] * rotation) sumweights[index] += weight # we must get weights from the partition else: skinpartition = skininst.skin_partition for block in skinpartition.skin_partition_blocks: # get transforms for this block block_bone_transforms = [bone_transforms[i] for i in block.bones] # go over each vert in this block for vert_index, vertex_weights, bone_indices in zip(block.vertex_map, block.vertex_weights, block.bone_indices): # skip verts that were already processed in an earlier block if sumweights[vert_index] != 0.0: continue # go over all 4 weight / bone pairs and transform this vert for weight, b_i in zip(vertex_weights, bone_indices): if weight > 0.0: transform, rotation = block_bone_transforms[b_i] vertices[vert_index] += weight * ([vert_index] * transform) if normals[vert_index] += weight * ([vert_index] * rotation) sumweights[vert_index] += weight for i, s in enumerate(sumweights): if abs(s - 1.0) > 0.01: logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.nigeometry").warn( "vertex %i has weights not summing to one" % i) return vertices, normals
# ported and extended from niflib::NiNode::GoToSkeletonBindPosition() (r2518)
[docs] def send_bones_to_bind_position(self): """Send all bones to their bind position. @deprecated: Use L{NifFormat.NiNode.send_bones_to_bind_position} instead of this function. """ warnings.warn("use NifFormat.NiNode.send_bones_to_bind_position", DeprecationWarning) if not self.is_skin(): return # validate skin and set up quick links self._validate_skin() skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = skelroot = skininst.skeleton_root # reposition the bones for i, parent_bone in enumerate(skininst.bones): parent_offset = skindata.bone_list[i].get_transform() # if parent_bone is a child of the skeleton root, then fix its # transfrom if parent_bone in skelroot.children: parent_bone.set_transform(parent_offset.get_inverse() * self.get_transform(skelroot)) # fix the transform of all its children for j, child_bone in enumerate(skininst.bones): if child_bone not in parent_bone.children: continue child_offset = skindata.bone_list[j].get_transform() child_matrix = child_offset.get_inverse() * parent_offset child_bone.set_transform(child_matrix)
# ported from niflib::NiSkinData::ResetOffsets (r2561)
[docs] def update_bind_position(self): """Make current position of the bones the bind position for this geometry. Sets the NiSkinData overall transform to the inverse of the geometry transform relative to the skeleton root, and sets the NiSkinData of each bone to the geometry transform relative to the skeleton root times the inverse of the bone transform relative to the skeleton root.""" if not self.is_skin(): return # validate skin and set up quick links self._validate_skin() skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = skelroot = skininst.skeleton_root # calculate overall offset geomtransform = self.get_transform(skelroot) skindata.set_transform(geomtransform.get_inverse()) # calculate bone offsets for i, bone in enumerate(skininst.bones): skindata.bone_list[i].set_transform(geomtransform * bone.get_transform(skelroot).get_inverse())
[docs] def get_skin_partition(self): """Return the skin partition block.""" skininst = self.skin_instance if not skininst: skinpart = None else: skinpart = skininst.skin_partition if not skinpart: skindata = if skindata: skinpart = skindata.skin_partition return skinpart
[docs] def set_skin_partition(self, skinpart): """Set skin partition block.""" skininst = self.skin_instance if not skininst: raise ValueError("Geometry has no skin instance.") skindata = if not skindata: raise ValueError("Geometry has no skin data.") skininst.skin_partition = skinpart skindata.skin_partition = skinpart
[docs] class NiKeyframeData:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" for key in self.translations.keys: key.value.x *= scale key.value.y *= scale key.value.z *= scale
#key.forward.x *= scale #key.forward.y *= scale #key.forward.z *= scale #key.backward.x *= scale #key.backward.y *= scale #key.backward.z *= scale # what to do with TBC?
[docs] class NiMaterialColorController:
[docs] def get_target_color(self): """Get target color (works for all nif versions).""" return ((self.flags >> 4) & 7) | self.target_color
[docs] def set_target_color(self, target_color): """Set target color (works for all nif versions).""" self.flags |= (target_color & 7) << 4 self.target_color = target_color
[docs] class NiMorphData:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data.""" for morph in self.morphs: for v in morph.vectors: v.x *= scale v.y *= scale v.z *= scale
[docs] class NiNode: """ >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> x = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> y = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> z = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> x.num_children =1 >>> x.children.update_size() >>> y in x.children False >>> x.children[0] = y >>> y in x.children True >>> x.add_child(z, front = True) >>> x.add_child(y) >>> x.num_children 2 >>> x.children[0] is z True >>> x.remove_child(y) >>> y in x.children False >>> x.num_children 1 >>> e = NifFormat.NiSpotLight() >>> x.add_effect(e) >>> x.num_effects 1 >>> e in x.effects True >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> node = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> child1 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = "hello" >>> child_2 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = "world" >>> node.get_children() [] >>> node.set_children([child1, child_2]) >>> [ for child in node.get_children()] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> [ for child in node.children] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> node.set_children([]) >>> node.get_children() [] >>> # now set them the other way around >>> node.set_children([child_2, child1]) >>> [ for child in node.get_children()] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> [ for child in node.children] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> node.remove_child(child_2) >>> [ for child in node.children] [b'hello'] >>> node.add_child(child_2) >>> [ for child in node.children] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> node = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> effect1 = NifFormat.NiSpotLight() >>> = "hello" >>> effect2 = NifFormat.NiSpotLight() >>> = "world" >>> node.get_effects() [] >>> node.set_effects([effect1, effect2]) >>> [ for effect in node.get_effects()] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> [ for effect in node.effects] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> node.set_effects([]) >>> node.get_effects() [] >>> # now set them the other way around >>> node.set_effects([effect2, effect1]) >>> [ for effect in node.get_effects()] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> [ for effect in node.effects] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> node.remove_effect(effect2) >>> [ for effect in node.effects] [b'hello'] >>> node.add_effect(effect2) >>> [ for effect in node.effects] [b'hello', b'world'] """
[docs] def add_child(self, child, front=False): """Add block to child list. :param child: The child to add. :type child: L{NifFormat.NiAVObject} :keyword front: Whether to add to the front or to the end of the list (default is at end). :type front: ``bool`` """ # check if it's already a child if child in self.children: return # increase number of children num_children = self.num_children self.num_children = num_children + 1 self.children.update_size() # add the child if not front: self.children[num_children] = child else: for i in range(num_children, 0, -1): self.children[i] = self.children[i-1] self.children[0] = child
[docs] def remove_child(self, child): """Remove a block from the child list. :param child: The child to remove. :type child: L{NifFormat.NiAVObject} """ self.set_children([otherchild for otherchild in self.get_children() if not(otherchild is child)])
[docs] def get_children(self): """Return a list of the children of the block. :return: The list of children. :rtype: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiAVObject} """ return [child for child in self.children]
[docs] def set_children(self, childlist): """Set the list of children from the given list (destroys existing list). :param childlist: The list of child blocks to set. :type childlist: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiAVObject} """ self.num_children = len(childlist) self.children.update_size() for i, child in enumerate(childlist): self.children[i] = child
[docs] def add_effect(self, effect): """Add an effect to the list of effects. :param effect: The effect to add. :type effect: L{NifFormat.NiDynamicEffect} """ num_effs = self.num_effects self.num_effects = num_effs + 1 self.effects.update_size() self.effects[num_effs] = effect
[docs] def remove_effect(self, effect): """Remove a block from the effect list. :param effect: The effect to remove. :type effect: L{NifFormat.NiDynamicEffect} """ self.set_effects([othereffect for othereffect in self.get_effects() if not(othereffect is effect)])
[docs] def get_effects(self): """Return a list of the effects of the block. :return: The list of effects. :rtype: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiDynamicEffect} """ return [effect for effect in self.effects]
[docs] def set_effects(self, effectlist): """Set the list of effects from the given list (destroys existing list). :param effectlist: The list of effect blocks to set. :type effectlist: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiDynamicEffect} """ self.num_effects = len(effectlist) self.effects.update_size() for i, effect in enumerate(effectlist): self.effects[i] = effect
[docs] def merge_external_skeleton_root(self, skelroot): """Attach skinned geometry to self (which will be the new skeleton root of the nif at the given skeleton root). Use this function if you move a skinned geometry from one nif into a new NIF file. The bone links will be updated to point to the tree at self, instead of to the external tree. """ # sanity check if != raise ValueError("skeleton root names do not match") # get a dictionary mapping bone names to bone blocks bone_dict = {} for block in self.tree(): if isinstance(block, NifFormat.NiNode): if if in bone_dict: raise ValueError( "multiple NiNodes with name %s" % bone_dict[] = block # add all non-bone children of the skeleton root to self for child in skelroot.get_children(): # skip empty children if not child: continue # skip bones if in bone_dict: continue # not a bone, so add it self.add_child(child) # fix links to skeleton root and bones for externalblock in child.tree(): if isinstance(externalblock, NifFormat.NiSkinInstance): if not(externalblock.skeleton_root is skelroot): raise ValueError( "expected skeleton root %s but got %s" % (, externalblock.skeleton_root = self for i, externalbone in enumerate(externalblock.bones): externalblock.bones[i] = bone_dict[]
[docs] def merge_skeleton_roots(self): """This function will look for other geometries whose skeleton root is a (possibly indirect) child of this node. It will then reparent those geometries to this node. For example, it will unify the skeleton roots in Morrowind's cliffracer.nif file, or of the (official) body skins. This makes it much easier to import skeletons in for instance Blender: there will be only one skeleton root for each bone, over all geometries. The merge fails for those geometries whose global skin data transform does not match the inverse geometry transform relative to the skeleton root (the maths does not work out in this case!) Returns list of all new blocks that have been reparented (and added to the skeleton root children list), and a list of blocks for which the merge failed. """ logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.ninode") result = [] # list of reparented blocks failed = [] # list of blocks that could not be reparented id44 = NifFormat.Matrix44() id44.set_identity() # find the root block (direct parent of skeleton root that connects to the geometry) for each of these geometries for geom in self.get_global_iterator(): # make sure we only do each geometry once if (geom in result) or (geom in failed): continue # only geometries if not isinstance(geom, NifFormat.NiGeometry): continue # only skins if not geom.is_skin(): continue # only if they have a different skeleton root if geom.skin_instance.skeleton_root is self: continue # check transforms if ( * geom.get_transform(geom.skin_instance.skeleton_root) != id44): logger.warn( "can't rebase %s: global skin data transform does not match " "geometry transform relative to skeleton root" % failed.append(geom) continue # skip this one # everything ok! # find geometry parent geomroot = geom.skin_instance.skeleton_root.find_chain(geom)[-2] # reparent logger.debug("detaching %s from %s" % (, geomroot.remove_child(geom) logger.debug("attaching %s to %s" % (, self.add_child(geom) # set its new skeleton root geom.skin_instance.skeleton_root = self # fix transform geom.get_transform(self).get_inverse(fast=False)) # and signal that we reparented this block result.append(geom) return result, failed
[docs] def get_skinned_geometries(self): """This function yields all skinned geometries which have self as skeleton root. """ for geom in self.get_global_iterator(): if (isinstance(geom, NifFormat.NiGeometry) and geom.is_skin() and geom.skin_instance.skeleton_root is self): yield geom
[docs] def send_geometries_to_bind_position(self): """Call this on the skeleton root of geometries. This function will transform the geometries, such that all skin data transforms coincide, or at least coincide partially. :return: A number quantifying the remaining difference between bind positions. :rtype: ``float`` """ # get logger logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.ninode") # maps bone name to bind position transform matrix (relative to # skeleton root) bone_bind_transform = {} # find all skinned geometries with self as skeleton root geoms = list(self.get_skinned_geometries()) # sort geometries by bone level # this ensures that "parent" geometries serve as reference for "child" # geometries sorted_geoms = [] for bone in self.get_global_iterator(): if not isinstance(bone, NifFormat.NiNode): continue for geom in geoms: if not geom in sorted_geoms: if bone in geom.skin_instance.bones: sorted_geoms.append(geom) geoms = sorted_geoms # now go over all geometries and synchronize their relative bind poses for geom in geoms: skininst = geom.skin_instance skindata = # set difference matrix to identity diff = NifFormat.Matrix44() diff.set_identity() # go over all bones in current geometry, see if it has been visited # before for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list): # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079 if not bonenode: continue if in bone_bind_transform: # calculate difference # (see explanation below) diff = (bonedata.get_transform() * bone_bind_transform[] * geom.get_transform(self).get_inverse(fast=False)) break if diff.is_identity(): logger.debug("%s is already in bind position" % else:"fixing %s bind position" % # explanation: # we must set the bonedata transform T' such that its bone bind # position matrix # T'^-1 * G # (where T' = the updated bonedata.get_transform() # and G = geom.get_transform(self)) # coincides with the desired matrix # B = bone_bind_transform[] # in other words: # T' = G * B^-1 # or, with diff = D = T * B * G^-1 # T' = D^-1 * T # to keep the geometry in sync, the vertices and normals must # be multiplied with D, e.g. v' = v * D # because the full transform # v * T * ... = v * D * D^-1 * T * ... = v' * T' * ... # must be kept invariant for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list): # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079 logger.debug( "transforming bind position of bone %s" % if bonenode else "<None>") bonedata.set_transform(diff.get_inverse(fast=False) * bonedata.get_transform()) # transform geometry logger.debug("transforming vertices and normals") for vert in newvert = vert * diff vert.x = newvert.x vert.y = newvert.y vert.z = newvert.z for norm in newnorm = norm * diff.get_matrix_33() norm.x = newnorm.x norm.y = newnorm.y norm.z = newnorm.z # store updated bind position for future reference for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list): # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079 if not bonenode: continue bone_bind_transform[] = ( bonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(self)) # validation: check that bones share bind position bone_bind_transform = {} error = 0.0 for geom in geoms: skininst = geom.skin_instance skindata = # go over all bones in current geometry, see if it has been visited # before for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list): if not bonenode: # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079 continue if in bone_bind_transform: # calculate difference diff = ((bonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(self)) - bone_bind_transform[]) # calculate error (sup norm) error = max(error, max(max(abs(elem) for elem in row) for row in diff.as_list())) else: bone_bind_transform[] = ( bonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(self)) logger.debug("Geometry bind position error is %f" % error) if error > 1e-3: logger.warning("Failed to send some geometries to bind position") return error
[docs] def send_detached_geometries_to_node_position(self): """Some nifs (in particular in Morrowind) have geometries that are skinned but that do not share bones. In such cases, send_geometries_to_bind_position cannot reposition them. This function will send such geometries to the position of their root node. Examples of such nifs are the official Morrowind skins (after merging skeleton roots). Returns list of detached geometries that have been moved. """ logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.ninode") geoms = list(self.get_skinned_geometries()) # parts the geometries into sets that do not share bone influences # * first construct sets of bones, merge intersecting sets # * then check which geometries belong to which set # (note: bone can be None, see issue #3114079) bonesets = [ list(set(bone for bone in geom.skin_instance.bones if bone)) for geom in geoms] # the merged flag signals that we are still merging bones merged = True while merged: merged = False for boneset in bonesets: for other_boneset in bonesets: # skip if sets are identical if other_boneset is boneset: continue # if not identical, see if they can be merged if set(other_boneset) & set(boneset): # XXX hackish but works # calculate union updated_boneset = list(set(other_boneset) | set(boneset)) # and move all bones into one bone set del other_boneset[:] del boneset[:] boneset += updated_boneset merged = True # remove empty bone sets bonesets = list(boneset for boneset in bonesets if boneset) logger.debug("bones per partition are") for boneset in bonesets: logger.debug(str([ for bone in boneset])) parts = [[geom for geom in geoms if set(geom.skin_instance.bones) & set(boneset)] for boneset in bonesets] logger.debug("geometries per partition are") for part in parts: logger.debug(str([ for geom in part])) # if there is only one set, we are done if len(bonesets) <= 1: logger.debug("no detached geometries") return [] # next, for each part, move all geometries so the lowest bone matches the # node transform for boneset, part in zip(bonesets, parts): logger.debug("moving part %s" % str([ for geom in part])) # find "lowest" bone in the bone set lowest_dist = None lowest_bonenode = None for bonenode in boneset: dist = len(self.find_chain(bonenode)) if (lowest_dist is None) or (lowest_dist > dist): lowest_dist = dist lowest_bonenode = bonenode logger.debug("reference bone is %s" % # find a geometry that has this bone for geom in part: for bonenode, bonedata in zip(geom.skin_instance.bones, if bonenode is lowest_bonenode: lowest_geom = geom lowest_bonedata = bonedata break else: continue break else: raise RuntimeError("no reference geometry with this bone: bug?") # calculate matrix diff = (lowest_bonedata.get_transform() * lowest_bonenode.get_transform(self) * lowest_geom.get_transform(self).get_inverse(fast=False)) if diff.is_identity(): logger.debug("%s is already in node position" % continue # now go over all geometries and synchronize their position to the # reference bone for geom in part:"moving %s to node position" % # XXX we're using this trick a few times now # XXX move it to a separate NiGeometry function skininst = geom.skin_instance skindata = # explanation: # we must set the bonedata transform T' such that its bone bind # position matrix # T'^-1 * G # (where T' = the updated lowest_bonedata.get_transform() # and G = geom.get_transform(self)) # coincides with the desired matrix # B = lowest_bonenode.get_transform(self) # in other words: # T' = G * B^-1 # or, with diff = D = T * B * G^-1 # T' = D^-1 * T # to keep the geometry in sync, the vertices and normals must # be multiplied with D, e.g. v' = v * D # because the full transform # v * T * ... = v * D * D^-1 * T * ... = v' * T' * ... # must be kept invariant for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list): logger.debug("transforming bind position of bone %s" % bonedata.set_transform(diff.get_inverse(fast=False) * bonedata.get_transform()) # transform geometry logger.debug("transforming vertices and normals") for vert in newvert = vert * diff vert.x = newvert.x vert.y = newvert.y vert.z = newvert.z for norm in newnorm = norm * diff.get_matrix_33() norm.x = newnorm.x norm.y = newnorm.y norm.z = newnorm.z
[docs] def send_bones_to_bind_position(self): """This function will send all bones of geometries of this skeleton root to their bind position. For best results, call L{send_geometries_to_bind_position} first. :return: A number quantifying the remaining difference between bind positions. :rtype: ``float`` """ # get logger logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.ninode") # check all bones and bone datas to see if a bind position exists bonelist = [] error = 0.0 geoms = list(self.get_skinned_geometries()) for geom in geoms: skininst = geom.skin_instance skindata = for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list): # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079 if not bonenode: continue # make sure all bone data of shared bones coincides for othergeom, otherbonenode, otherbonedata in bonelist: if bonenode is otherbonenode: diff = ((otherbonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * othergeom.get_transform(self)) - (bonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(self))) if diff.sup_norm() > 1e-3: logger.warning("Geometries %s and %s do not share the same bind position: bone %s will be sent to a position matching only one of these" % (,, # break the loop break else: # the loop did not break, so the bone was not yet added # add it now logger.debug("Found bind position data for %s" % bonelist.append((geom, bonenode, bonedata)) # the algorithm simply makes all transforms correct by changing # each local bone matrix in such a way that the global matrix # relative to the skeleton root matches the skinning information # this algorithm is numerically most stable if bones are traversed # in hierarchical order, so first sort the bones sorted_bonelist = [] for node in self.tree(): if not isinstance(node, NifFormat.NiNode): continue for geom, bonenode, bonedata in bonelist: if node is bonenode: sorted_bonelist.append((geom, bonenode, bonedata)) bonelist = sorted_bonelist # now reposition the bones for geom, bonenode, bonedata in bonelist: # explanation: # v * CHILD * PARENT * ... # = v * CHILD * DIFF^-1 * DIFF * PARENT * ... # and now choose DIFF such that DIFF * PARENT * ... = desired transform # calculate desired transform relative to skeleton root # transform is DIFF * PARENT transform = (bonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(self)) # calculate difference diff = transform * bonenode.get_transform(self).get_inverse(fast=False) if not diff.is_identity():"Sending %s to bind position" % # fix transform of this node bonenode.set_transform(diff * bonenode.get_transform()) # fix transform of all its children diff_inv = diff.get_inverse(fast=False) for childnode in bonenode.children: if childnode: childnode.set_transform(childnode.get_transform() * diff_inv) else: logger.debug("%s is already in bind position" % # validate error = 0.0 diff_error = 0.0 for geom in geoms: skininst = geom.skin_instance skindata = # calculate geometry transform geomtransform = geom.get_transform(self) # check skin data fields (also see NiGeometry.update_bind_position) for i, bone in enumerate(skininst.bones): # bone can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079 if bone is None: continue diff = ((skindata.bone_list[i].get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geomtransform) - bone.get_transform(self)) # calculate error (sup norm) diff_error = max(max(abs(elem) for elem in row) for row in diff.as_list()) if diff_error > 1e-3: logger.warning( "Failed to set bind position of bone %s for geometry %s (error is %f)" % (,, diff_error)) error = max(error, diff_error) logger.debug("Bone bind position maximal error is %f" % error) if error > 1e-3: logger.warning("Failed to send some bones to bind position") return error
[docs] class NiObjectNET:
[docs] def add_extra_data(self, extrablock): """Add block to extra data list and extra data chain. It is good practice to ensure that the extra data has empty next_extra_data field when adding it to avoid loops in the hierarchy.""" # add to the list num_extra = self.num_extra_data_list self.num_extra_data_list = num_extra + 1 self.extra_data_list.update_size() self.extra_data_list[num_extra] = extrablock # add to the chain if not self.extra_data: self.extra_data = extrablock else: lastextra = self.extra_data while lastextra.next_extra_data: lastextra = lastextra.next_extra_data lastextra.next_extra_data = extrablock
[docs] def remove_extra_data(self, extrablock): """Remove block from extra data list and extra data chain. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> block = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> block.num_extra_data_list = 3 >>> block.extra_data_list.update_size() >>> extrablock = NifFormat.NiStringExtraData() >>> block.extra_data_list[1] = extrablock >>> block.remove_extra_data(extrablock) >>> [extra for extra in block.extra_data_list] [None, None] """ # remove from list new_extra_list = [] for extraother in self.extra_data_list: if not extraother is extrablock: new_extra_list.append(extraother) self.num_extra_data_list = len(new_extra_list) self.extra_data_list.update_size() for i, extraother in enumerate(new_extra_list): self.extra_data_list[i] = extraother # remove from chain if self.extra_data is extrablock: self.extra_data = extrablock.next_extra_data lastextra = self.extra_data while lastextra: if lastextra.next_extra_data is extrablock: lastextra.next_extra_data = lastextra.next_extra_data.next_extra_data lastextra = lastextra.next_extra_data
[docs] def get_extra_datas(self): """Get a list of all extra data blocks.""" xtras = [xtra for xtra in self.extra_data_list] xtra = self.extra_data while xtra: if not xtra in self.extra_data_list: xtras.append(xtra) xtra = xtra.next_extra_data return xtras
[docs] def set_extra_datas(self, extralist): """Set all extra data blocks from given list (erases existing data). >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> node = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> extra1 = NifFormat.NiExtraData() >>> = "hello" >>> extra2 = NifFormat.NiExtraData() >>> = "world" >>> node.get_extra_datas() [] >>> node.set_extra_datas([extra1, extra2]) >>> [ for extra in node.get_extra_datas()] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> [ for extra in node.extra_data_list] [b'hello', b'world'] >>> node.extra_data is extra1 True >>> extra1.next_extra_data is extra2 True >>> extra2.next_extra_data is None True >>> node.set_extra_datas([]) >>> node.get_extra_datas() [] >>> # now set them the other way around >>> node.set_extra_datas([extra2, extra1]) >>> [ for extra in node.get_extra_datas()] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> [ for extra in node.extra_data_list] [b'world', b'hello'] >>> node.extra_data is extra2 True >>> extra2.next_extra_data is extra1 True >>> extra1.next_extra_data is None True :param extralist: List of extra data blocks to add. :type extralist: ``list`` of L{NifFormat.NiExtraData} """ # set up extra data list self.num_extra_data_list = len(extralist) self.extra_data_list.update_size() for i, extra in enumerate(extralist): self.extra_data_list[i] = extra # set up extra data chain # first, kill the current chain self.extra_data = None # now reconstruct it if extralist: self.extra_data = extralist[0] lastextra = self.extra_data for extra in extralist[1:]: lastextra.next_extra_data = extra lastextra = extra lastextra.next_extra_data = None
[docs] def add_controller(self, ctrlblock): """Add block to controller chain and set target of controller to self.""" if not self.controller: self.controller = ctrlblock else: lastctrl = self.controller while lastctrl.next_controller: lastctrl = lastctrl.next_controller lastctrl.next_controller = ctrlblock # set the target of the controller = self
[docs] def get_controllers(self): """Get a list of all controllers.""" ctrls = [] ctrl = self.controller while ctrl: ctrls.append(ctrl) ctrl = ctrl.next_controller return ctrls
[docs] def add_integer_extra_data(self, name, value): """Add a particular extra integer data block.""" extra = NifFormat.NiIntegerExtraData() = name extra.integer_data = value self.add_extra_data(extra)
[docs] class NiObject:
[docs] def find(self, block_name = None, block_type = None): # does this block match the search criteria? if block_name and block_type: if isinstance(self, block_type): try: if block_name == return self except AttributeError: pass elif block_name: try: if block_name == return self except AttributeError: pass elif block_type: if isinstance(self, block_type): return self # ok, this block is not a match, so check further down in tree for child in self.get_refs(): blk = child.find(block_name, block_type) if blk: return blk return None
[docs] def find_chain(self, block, block_type = None): """Finds a chain of blocks going from C{self} to C{block}. If found, self is the first element and block is the last element. If no branch found, returns an empty list. Does not check whether there is more than one branch; if so, the first one found is returned. :param block: The block to find a chain to. :param block_type: The type that blocks should have in this chain.""" if self is block: return [self] for child in self.get_refs(): if block_type and not isinstance(child, block_type): continue child_chain = child.find_chain(block, block_type) if child_chain: return [self] + child_chain return []
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Scale data in this block. This implementation does nothing. Override this method if it contains geometry data that can be scaled. """ pass
[docs] def tree(self, block_type = None, follow_all = True, unique = False): """A generator for parsing all blocks in the tree (starting from and including C{self}). :param block_type: If not ``None``, yield only blocks of the type C{block_type}. :param follow_all: If C{block_type} is not ``None``, then if this is ``True`` the function will parse the whole tree. Otherwise, the function will not follow branches that start by a non-C{block_type} block. :param unique: Whether the generator can return the same block twice or not.""" # unique blocks: reduce this to the case of non-unique blocks if unique: block_list = [] for block in self.tree(block_type = block_type, follow_all = follow_all, unique = False): if not block in block_list: yield block block_list.append(block) return # yield self if not block_type: yield self elif isinstance(self, block_type): yield self elif not follow_all: return # don't recurse further # yield tree attached to each child for child in self.get_refs(): for block in child.tree(block_type = block_type, follow_all = follow_all): yield block
def _validateTree(self): """Raises ValueError if there is a cycle in the tree.""" # If the tree is parsed, then each block should be visited once. # However, as soon as some cycle is present, parsing the tree # will visit some child more than once (and as a consequence, infinitely # many times). So, walk the reference tree and check that every block is # only visited once. children = [] for child in self.tree(): if child in children: raise ValueError('cyclic references detected') children.append(child)
[docs] def is_interchangeable(self, other): """Are the two blocks interchangeable? @todo: Rely on AnyType, SimpleType, ComplexType, etc. implementation. """ if isinstance(self, (NifFormat.NiProperty, NifFormat.NiSourceTexture)): # use hash for properties and source textures return ((self.__class__ is other.__class__) and (self.get_hash() == other.get_hash())) else: # for blocks with references: quick check only return self is other
[docs] class NiMaterialProperty:
[docs] def is_interchangeable(self, other): """Are the two material blocks interchangeable?""" specialnames = (b"envmap2", b"envmap", b"skin", b"hair", b"dynalpha", b"hidesecret", b"lava") if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return False if ( in specialnames or in specialnames): # do not ignore name return self.get_hash() == other.get_hash() else: # ignore name return self.get_hash()[1:] == other.get_hash()[1:]
[docs] class ATextureRenderData:
[docs] def save_as_dds(self, stream): """Save image as DDS file.""" # set up header and pixel data data = header = data.header pixeldata = data.pixeldata # create header, depending on the format if self.pixel_format in (NifFormat.PixelFormat.PX_FMT_RGB8, NifFormat.PixelFormat.PX_FMT_RGBA8): # uncompressed RGB(A) header.flags.caps = 1 header.flags.height = 1 header.flags.width = 1 header.flags.pixel_format = 1 header.flags.mipmap_count = 1 header.flags.linear_size = 1 header.height = self.mipmaps[0].height header.width = self.mipmaps[0].width header.linear_size = len(self.pixel_data) header.mipmap_count = len(self.mipmaps) header.pixel_format.flags.rgb = 1 header.pixel_format.bit_count = self.bits_per_pixel if not self.channels: header.pixel_format.r_mask = self.red_mask header.pixel_format.g_mask = self.green_mask header.pixel_format.b_mask = self.blue_mask header.pixel_format.a_mask = self.alpha_mask else: bit_pos = 0 for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): mask = (2 ** channel.bits_per_channel - 1) << bit_pos if channel.type == NifFormat.ChannelType.CHNL_RED: header.pixel_format.r_mask = mask elif channel.type == NifFormat.ChannelType.CHNL_GREEN: header.pixel_format.g_mask = mask elif channel.type == NifFormat.ChannelType.CHNL_BLUE: header.pixel_format.b_mask = mask elif channel.type == NifFormat.ChannelType.CHNL_ALPHA: header.pixel_format.a_mask = mask bit_pos += channel.bits_per_channel header.caps_1.complex = 1 header.caps_1.texture = 1 header.caps_1.mipmap = 1 if self.pixel_data: # used in older nif versions pixeldata.set_value(self.pixel_data) else: # used in newer nif versions pixeldata.set_value(''.join(self.pixel_data_matrix)) elif self.pixel_format == NifFormat.PixelFormat.PX_FMT_DXT1: # format used in Megami Tensei: Imagine and Bully SE header.flags.caps = 1 header.flags.height = 1 header.flags.width = 1 header.flags.pixel_format = 1 header.flags.mipmap_count = 1 header.flags.linear_size = 0 header.height = self.mipmaps[0].height header.width = self.mipmaps[0].width header.linear_size = 0 header.mipmap_count = len(self.mipmaps) header.pixel_format.flags.four_c_c = 1 header.pixel_format.four_c_c = header.pixel_format.bit_count = 0 header.pixel_format.r_mask = 0 header.pixel_format.g_mask = 0 header.pixel_format.b_mask = 0 header.pixel_format.a_mask = 0 header.caps_1.complex = 1 header.caps_1.texture = 1 header.caps_1.mipmap = 1 if isinstance(self, NifFormat.NiPersistentSrcTextureRendererData): pixeldata.set_value( ''.join( ''.join([chr(x) for x in tex]) for tex in self.pixel_data)) else: pixeldata.set_value(''.join(self.pixel_data_matrix)) elif self.pixel_format in (NifFormat.PixelFormat.PX_FMT_DXT5, NifFormat.PixelFormat.PX_FMT_DXT5_ALT): # format used in Megami Tensei: Imagine header.flags.caps = 1 header.flags.height = 1 header.flags.width = 1 header.flags.pixel_format = 1 header.flags.mipmap_count = 1 header.flags.linear_size = 0 header.height = self.mipmaps[0].height header.width = self.mipmaps[0].width header.linear_size = 0 header.mipmap_count = len(self.mipmaps) header.pixel_format.flags.four_c_c = 1 header.pixel_format.four_c_c = header.pixel_format.bit_count = 0 header.pixel_format.r_mask = 0 header.pixel_format.g_mask = 0 header.pixel_format.b_mask = 0 header.pixel_format.a_mask = 0 header.caps_1.complex = 1 header.caps_1.texture = 1 header.caps_1.mipmap = 1 pixeldata.set_value(''.join(self.pixel_data_matrix)) else: raise ValueError( "cannot save pixel format %i as DDS" % self.pixel_format) data.write(stream)
[docs] class SkinTransform:
[docs] def get_transform(self): """Return scale, rotation, and translation into a single 4x4 matrix.""" mat = NifFormat.Matrix44() mat.set_scale_rotation_translation( self.scale, self.rotation, self.translation) return mat
[docs] def set_transform(self, mat): """Set rotation, transform, and velocity.""" scale, rotation, translation = mat.get_scale_rotation_translation() self.scale = scale self.rotation.m_11 = rotation.m_11 self.rotation.m_12 = rotation.m_12 self.rotation.m_13 = rotation.m_13 self.rotation.m_21 = rotation.m_21 self.rotation.m_22 = rotation.m_22 self.rotation.m_23 = rotation.m_23 self.rotation.m_31 = rotation.m_31 self.rotation.m_32 = rotation.m_32 self.rotation.m_33 = rotation.m_33 self.translation.x = translation.x self.translation.y = translation.y self.translation.z = translation.z
[docs] class NiSkinData:
[docs] def get_transform(self): """Return scale, rotation, and translation into a single 4x4 matrix.""" return self.skin_transform.get_transform()
[docs] def set_transform(self, mat): """Set rotation, transform, and velocity.""" self.skin_transform.set_transform(mat)
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor on data. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> id44 = NifFormat.Matrix44() >>> id44.set_identity() >>> skelroot = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'Scene Root' >>> skelroot.set_transform(id44) >>> bone1 = NifFormat.NiNode() >>> = 'bone1' >>> bone1.set_transform(id44) >>> bone1.translation.x = 10 >>> skelroot.add_child(bone1) >>> geom = NifFormat.NiTriShape() >>> geom.set_transform(id44) >>> skelroot.add_child(geom) >>> skininst = NifFormat.NiSkinInstance() >>> geom.skin_instance = skininst >>> skininst.skeleton_root = skelroot >>> skindata = NifFormat.NiSkinData() >>> = skindata >>> skindata.set_transform(id44) >>> geom.add_bone(bone1, {}) >>> geom.update_bind_position() >>> bone1.translation.x 10.0 >>> skindata.bone_list[0].skin_transform.translation.x -10.0 >>> import pyffi.spells.nif.fix >>> import pyffi.spells.nif >>> data = NifFormat.Data() >>> data.roots = [skelroot] >>> toaster = pyffi.spells.nif.NifToaster() >>> toaster.scale = 0.1 >>> pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellScale(data=data, toaster=toaster).recurse() pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_scale --- pyffi.toaster:INFO: scaling by factor 0.100000 pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [Scene Root] ~~~ pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [bone1] ~~~ pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriShape [] ~~~ pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiSkinInstance [] ~~~ pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiSkinData [] ~~~ >>> bone1.translation.x 1.0 >>> skindata.bone_list[0].skin_transform.translation.x -1.0 """ self.skin_transform.translation.x *= scale self.skin_transform.translation.y *= scale self.skin_transform.translation.z *= scale for skindata in self.bone_list: skindata.skin_transform.translation.x *= scale skindata.skin_transform.translation.y *= scale skindata.skin_transform.translation.z *= scale skindata.bounding_sphere_offset.x *= scale skindata.bounding_sphere_offset.y *= scale skindata.bounding_sphere_offset.z *= scale skindata.bounding_sphere_radius *= scale
[docs] class NiTransformInterpolator:
[docs] def apply_scale(self, scale): """Apply scale factor <scale> on data.""" # apply scale on translation self.translation.x *= scale self.translation.y *= scale self.translation.z *= scale
[docs] class NiTriBasedGeomData:
[docs] def is_interchangeable(self, other): """Heuristically checks if two NiTriBasedGeomData blocks describe the same geometry, that is, if they can be used interchangeably in a NIF file without affecting the rendering. The check is not fool proof but has shown to work in most practical cases. :param other: Another geometry data block. :type other: L{NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeomData} (if it has another type then the function will always return ``False``) :return: ``True`` if the geometries are equivalent, ``False`` otherwise. """ # check for object identity if self is other: return True # type check if not isinstance(other, NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeomData): return False # check class if (not isinstance(self, other.__class__) or not isinstance(other, self.__class__)): return False # check some trivial things first for attribute in ( "num_vertices", "keep_flags", "compress_flags", "has_vertices", "num_uv_sets", "has_normals", "center", "radius", "has_vertex_colors", "has_uv", "consistency_flags"): if getattr(self, attribute) != getattr(other, attribute): return False # check vertices (this includes uvs, vcols and normals) verthashes1 = [hsh for hsh in self.get_vertex_hash_generator()] verthashes2 = [hsh for hsh in other.get_vertex_hash_generator()] for hash1 in verthashes1: if not hash1 in verthashes2: return False for hash2 in verthashes2: if not hash2 in verthashes1: return False # check triangle list triangles1 = [tuple(verthashes1[i] for i in tri) for tri in self.get_triangles()] triangles2 = [tuple(verthashes2[i] for i in tri) for tri in other.get_triangles()] for tri1 in triangles1: if not tri1 in triangles2: return False for tri2 in triangles2: if not tri2 in triangles1: return False # looks pretty identical! return True
[docs] def get_triangle_indices(self, triangles): """Yield list of triangle indices (relative to self.get_triangles()) of given triangles. Degenerate triangles in the list are assigned index ``None``. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> geomdata = NifFormat.NiTriShapeData() >>> geomdata.set_triangles([(0,1,2),(1,2,3),(2,3,4)]) >>> list(geomdata.get_triangle_indices([(1,2,3)])) [1] >>> list(geomdata.get_triangle_indices([(3,1,2)])) [1] >>> list(geomdata.get_triangle_indices([(2,3,1)])) [1] >>> list(geomdata.get_triangle_indices([(1,2,0),(4,2,3)])) [0, 2] >>> list(geomdata.get_triangle_indices([(0,0,0),(4,2,3)])) [None, 2] >>> list(geomdata.get_triangle_indices([(0,3,4),(4,2,3)])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ... :param triangles: An iterable of triangles to check. :type triangles: iterator or list of tuples of three ints """ def triangleHash(triangle): """Calculate hash of a non-degenerate triangle. Returns ``None`` if the triangle is degenerate. """ if triangle[0] < triangle[1] and triangle[0] < triangle[2]: return hash((triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2])) elif triangle[1] < triangle[0] and triangle[1] < triangle[2]: return hash((triangle[1], triangle[2], triangle[0])) elif triangle[2] < triangle[0] and triangle[2] < triangle[1]: return hash((triangle[2], triangle[0], triangle[1])) # calculate hashes of all triangles in the geometry self_triangles_hashes = [ triangleHash(triangle) for triangle in self.get_triangles()] # calculate index of each triangle in the list of triangles for triangle in triangles: triangle_hash = triangleHash(triangle) if triangle_hash is None: yield None else: yield self_triangles_hashes.index(triangle_hash)
[docs] class NiTriBasedGeom:
[docs] def get_tangent_space(self): """Return iterator over normal, tangent, bitangent vectors. If the block has no tangent space, then returns None. """ def bytes2vectors(data, pos, num): for i in range(num): vec = NifFormat.Vector3() # XXX _byte_order! assuming little endian vec.x, vec.y, vec.z = struct.unpack('<fff', data[pos:pos+12]) yield vec pos += 12 if == 0: return () if not #raise ValueError('geometry has no normals') return None if (not or (not # no tangents and bitangents at the usual location # perhaps there is Oblivion style data? for extra in self.get_extra_datas(): if isinstance(extra, NifFormat.NiBinaryExtraData): if == b'Tangent space (binormal & tangent vectors)': break else: #raise ValueError('geometry has no tangents') return None if 24 * != len(extra.binary_data): raise ValueError( 'tangent space data has invalid size, expected %i bytes but got %i' % (24 *, len(extra.binary_data))) tangents = bytes2vectors(extra.binary_data, 0, bitangents = bytes2vectors(extra.binary_data, 12 *, else: tangents = bitangents = return zip(, tangents, bitangents)
[docs] def update_tangent_space(self, as_extra=None, vertexprecision=3, normalprecision=3): """Recalculate tangent space data. :param as_extra: Whether to store the tangent space data as extra data (as in Oblivion) or not (as in Fallout 3). If not set, switches to Oblivion if an extra data block is found, otherwise does default. Set it to override this detection (for example when using this function to create tangent space data) and force behaviour. """ # check that exists and is valid if not isinstance(, NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeomData): raise ValueError('cannot update tangent space of a geometry with %s data' %( if else 'no')) verts = norms = if len( > 0: uvs =[0] else: # This is an error state and the mesh part should not be included in the exported nif. # happens in Fallout NV meshes/architecture/bouldercity/arcadeendl.nif = 0 warnings.warn("Attempting to export mesh without uv data", DeprecationWarning) return # check that shape has norms and uvs if len(uvs) == 0 or len(norms) == 0: return # identify identical (vertex, normal) pairs to avoid issues along # uv seams due to vertex duplication # implementation note: uvprecision and vcolprecision 0 # should be enough, but use -2 just to be really sure # that this is ignored v_hash_map = list( vertexprecision=vertexprecision, normalprecision=normalprecision, uvprecision=-2, vcolprecision=-2)) # tangent and binormal dictionaries by vertex hash bin = dict((h, NifFormat.Vector3()) for h in v_hash_map) tan = dict((h, NifFormat.Vector3()) for h in v_hash_map) # calculate tangents and binormals from vertex and texture coordinates for t1, t2, t3 in # find hash values h1 = v_hash_map[t1] h2 = v_hash_map[t2] h3 = v_hash_map[t3] # skip degenerate triangles if h1 == h2 or h2 == h3 or h3 == h1: continue v_1 = verts[t1] v_2 = verts[t2] v_3 = verts[t3] w1 = uvs[t1] w2 = uvs[t2] w3 = uvs[t3] v_2v_1 = v_2 - v_1 v_3v_1 = v_3 - v_1 w2w1 = w2 - w1 w3w1 = w3 - w1 # surface of triangle in texture space r = w2w1.u * w3w1.v - w3w1.u * w2w1.v # sign of surface r_sign = (1 if r >= 0 else -1) # contribution of this triangle to tangents and binormals sdir = NifFormat.Vector3() sdir.x = (w3w1.v * v_2v_1.x - w2w1.v * v_3v_1.x) * r_sign sdir.y = (w3w1.v * v_2v_1.y - w2w1.v * v_3v_1.y) * r_sign sdir.z = (w3w1.v * v_2v_1.z - w2w1.v * v_3v_1.z) * r_sign try: sdir.normalize() except ZeroDivisionError: # catches zero vector continue # skip triangle except ValueError: # catches invalid data continue # skip triangle tdir = NifFormat.Vector3() tdir.x = (w2w1.u * v_3v_1.x - w3w1.u * v_2v_1.x) * r_sign tdir.y = (w2w1.u * v_3v_1.y - w3w1.u * v_2v_1.y) * r_sign tdir.z = (w2w1.u * v_3v_1.z - w3w1.u * v_2v_1.z) * r_sign try: tdir.normalize() except ZeroDivisionError: # catches zero vector continue # skip triangle except ValueError: # catches invalid data continue # skip triangle # vector combination algorithm could possibly be improved for h in [h1, h2, h3]: # addition inlined for speed tanh = tan[h] tanh.x += tdir.x tanh.y += tdir.y tanh.z += tdir.z binh = bin[h] binh.x += sdir.x binh.y += sdir.y binh.z += sdir.z xvec = NifFormat.Vector3() xvec.x = 1.0 xvec.y = 0.0 xvec.z = 0.0 yvec = NifFormat.Vector3() yvec.x = 0.0 yvec.y = 1.0 yvec.z = 0.0 for n, h in zip(norms, v_hash_map): binh = bin[h] tanh = tan[h] try: n.normalize() except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): # this happens if the normal has NAN values or is zero # just pick something in that case n = yvec try: # turn n, bin, tan into a base via Gram-Schmidt # bin[h] -= n * (n * bin[h]) # inlined for speed scalar = n * binh binh.x -= n.x * scalar binh.y -= n.y * scalar binh.z -= n.z * scalar binh.normalize() # tan[h] -= n * (n * tan[h]) # tan[h] -= bin[h] * (bin[h] * tan[h]) # inlined for speed scalar = n * tanh tanh.x -= n.x * scalar tanh.y -= n.y * scalar tanh.z -= n.z * scalar scalar = binh * tanh tanh.x -= binh.x * scalar tanh.y -= binh.y * scalar tanh.z -= binh.z * scalar tanh.normalize() except ZeroDivisionError: # insuffient data to set tangent space for this vertex # in that case pick a space binh = xvec.crossproduct(n) try: binh.normalize() except ZeroDivisionError: binh = yvec.crossproduct(n) binh.normalize() # should work now tanh = n.crossproduct(binh) # tangent and binormal lists by vertex index tan = [tan[h] for h in v_hash_map] bin = [bin[h] for h in v_hash_map] # find possible extra data block for extra in self.get_extra_datas(): if isinstance(extra, NifFormat.NiBinaryExtraData): if == b'Tangent space (binormal & tangent vectors)': break else: extra = None # if autodetection is on, do as_extra only if an extra data block is found if as_extra is None: if extra: as_extra = True else: as_extra = False if as_extra: # if tangent space extra data already exists, use it if not extra: # otherwise, create a new block and link it extra = NifFormat.NiBinaryExtraData() = b'Tangent space (binormal & tangent vectors)' self.add_extra_data(extra) # write the data binarydata = bytearray() for vec in tan + bin: # XXX _byte_order!! assuming little endian binarydata += struct.pack('<fff', vec.x, vec.y, vec.z) extra.binary_data = bytes(binarydata) else: # set tangent space flag = 16 # XXX used to be 61440 # XXX from Sid Meier's Railroad for vec, data_tans in zip(tan, data_tans.x = vec.x data_tans.y = vec.y data_tans.z = vec.z for vec, data_bins in zip(bin, data_bins.x = vec.x data_bins.y = vec.y data_bins.z = vec.z
# ported from nifskope/skeleton.cpp:spSkinPartition
[docs] def update_skin_partition(self, maxbonesperpartition=4, maxbonespervertex=4, verbose=0, stripify=True, stitchstrips=False, padbones=False, triangles=None, trianglepartmap=None, maximize_bone_sharing=False): """Recalculate skin partition data. :deprecated: Do not use the verbose argument. :param maxbonesperpartition: Maximum number of bones in each partition. The num_bones field will not exceed this number. :param maxbonespervertex: Maximum number of bones per vertex. The num_weights_per_vertex field will be exactly equal to this number. :param verbose: Ignored, and deprecated. Set pyffi's log level instead. :param stripify: If true, stripify the partitions, otherwise use triangles. :param stitchstrips: If stripify is true, then set this to true to stitch the strips. :param padbones: Enforces the numbones field to be equal to maxbonesperpartition. Also ensures that the bone indices are unique and sorted, per vertex. Raises an exception if maxbonespervertex is not equal to maxbonesperpartition (in that case bone indices cannot be unique and sorted). This options is required for Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich skin partitions. :param triangles: The triangles of the partition (if not specified, then this defaults to C{}. :param trianglepartmap: Maps each triangle to a partition index. Faces with different indices will never appear in the same partition. If the skin instance is a BSDismemberSkinInstance, then these indices are used as body part types, and the partitions in the BSDismemberSkinInstance are updated accordingly. Note that the faces are counted relative to L{triangles}. :param maximize_bone_sharing: Maximize bone sharing between partitions. This option is useful for Fallout 3. """ logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.nitribasedgeom") # if trianglepartmap not specified, map everything to index 0 if trianglepartmap is None: trianglepartmap = repeat(0) # shortcuts relevant blocks if not self.skin_instance: # no skin, nothing to do return self._validate_skin() geomdata = skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = # get skindata vertex weights logger.debug("Getting vertex weights.") weights = self.get_vertex_weights() # count minimum and maximum number of bones per vertex minbones = min(len(weight) for weight in weights) maxbones = max(len(weight) for weight in weights) if minbones <= 0: noweights = [v for v, weight in enumerate(weights) if not weight] #raise ValueError( logger.warn( 'bad NiSkinData: some vertices have no weights %s' % noweights)"Counted minimum of %i and maximum of %i bones per vertex" % (minbones, maxbones)) # reduce bone influences to meet maximum number of bones per vertex"Imposing maximum of %i bones per vertex." % maxbonespervertex) lostweight = 0.0 for weight in weights: if len(weight) > maxbonespervertex: # delete bone influences with least weight weight.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # sort by weight # save lost weight to return to user lostweight = max( lostweight, max( [x[1] for x in weight[maxbonespervertex:]])) del weight[maxbonespervertex:] # only keep first elements # normalize totalweight = sum([x[1] for x in weight]) # sum of all weights for x in weight: x[1] /= totalweight maxbones = maxbonespervertex # sort by again by bone (relied on later when matching vertices) weight.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # reduce bone influences to meet maximum number of bones per partition # (i.e. maximum number of bones per triangle) "Imposing maximum of %i bones per triangle (and hence, per partition)." % maxbonesperpartition) if triangles is None: triangles = geomdata.get_triangles() for tri in triangles: while True: # find the bones influencing this triangle tribones = [] for t in tri: tribones.extend([bonenum for bonenum, boneweight in weights[t]]) tribones = set(tribones) # target met? if len(tribones) <= maxbonesperpartition: break # no, need to remove a bone # sum weights for each bone to find the one that least influences # this triangle tribonesweights = {} for bonenum in tribones: tribonesweights[bonenum] = 0.0 nono = set() # bones with weight 1 cannot be removed for skinweights in [weights[t] for t in tri]: # skinweights[0] is the first skinweight influencing vertex t # and skinweights[0][0] is the bone number of that bone if len(skinweights) == 1: nono.add(skinweights[0][0]) for bonenum, boneweight in skinweights: tribonesweights[bonenum] += boneweight # select a bone to remove # first find bones we can remove # restrict to bones not in the nono set tribonesweights = [ x for x in list(tribonesweights.items()) if x[0] not in nono] if not tribonesweights: raise ValueError( "cannot remove anymore bones in this skin; " "increase maxbonesperpartition and try again") # sort by vertex weight sum the last element of this list is now a # candidate for removal tribonesweights.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) minbone = tribonesweights[-1][0] # remove minbone from all vertices of this triangle and from all # matching vertices for t in tri: for tt in [t]: #match[t]: # remove bone weight = weights[tt] for i, (bonenum, boneweight) in enumerate(weight): if bonenum == minbone: # save lost weight to return to user lostweight = max(lostweight, boneweight) del weight[i] break else: continue # normalize totalweight = sum([x[1] for x in weight]) for x in weight: x[1] /= totalweight # split triangles into partitions"Creating partitions") parts = [] # keep creating partitions as long as there are triangles left while triangles: # create a partition part = [set(), [], None] # bones, triangles, partition index usedverts = set() addtriangles = True # keep adding triangles to it as long as the flag is set while addtriangles: # newtriangles is a list of triangles that have not been added to # the partition, similar for newtrianglepartmap newtriangles = [] newtrianglepartmap = [] for tri, partindex in zip(triangles, trianglepartmap): # find the bones influencing this triangle tribones = [] for t in tri: tribones.extend([ bonenum for bonenum, boneweight in weights[t]]) tribones = set(tribones) # if part has no bones, # or if part has all bones of tribones and index coincides # then add this triangle to this part if ((not part[0]) or ((part[0] >= tribones) and (part[2] == partindex))): part[0] |= tribones part[1].append(tri) usedverts |= set(tri) # if part was empty, assign it the index if part[2] is None: part[2] = partindex else: newtriangles.append(tri) newtrianglepartmap.append(partindex) triangles = newtriangles trianglepartmap = newtrianglepartmap # if we have room left in the partition # then add adjacent triangles addtriangles = False newtriangles = [] newtrianglepartmap = [] if len(part[0]) < maxbonesperpartition: for tri, partindex in zip(triangles, trianglepartmap): # if triangle is adjacent, and has same index # then check if it can be added to the partition if (usedverts & set(tri)) and (part[2] == partindex): # find the bones influencing this triangle tribones = [] for t in tri: tribones.extend([ bonenum for bonenum, boneweight in weights[t]]) tribones = set(tribones) # and check if we exceed the maximum number of allowed # bones if len(part[0] | tribones) <= maxbonesperpartition: part[0] |= tribones part[1].append(tri) usedverts |= set(tri) # signal another try in adding triangles to # the partition addtriangles = True else: newtriangles.append(tri) newtrianglepartmap.append(partindex) else: newtriangles.append(tri) newtrianglepartmap.append(partindex) triangles = newtriangles trianglepartmap = newtrianglepartmap parts.append(part)"Created %i small partitions." % len(parts)) # merge all partitions"Merging partitions.") merged = True # signals success, in which case do another run while merged: merged = False # newparts is to contain the updated merged partitions as we go newparts = [] # addedparts is the set of all partitions from parts that have been # added to newparts addedparts = set() # try all combinations for a, parta in enumerate(parts): if a in addedparts: continue newparts.append(parta) addedparts.add(a) for b, partb in enumerate(parts): if b <= a: continue if b in addedparts: continue # if partition indices are the same, and bone limit is not # exceeded, merge them if ((parta[2] == partb[2]) and (len(parta[0] | partb[0]) <= maxbonesperpartition)): parta[0] |= partb[0] parta[1] += partb[1] addedparts.add(b) merged = True # signal another try in merging partitions # update partitions to the merged partitions parts = newparts # write the NiSkinPartition"Skin has %i partitions." % len(parts)) # if skin partition already exists, use it if skindata.skin_partition != None: skinpart = skindata.skin_partition skininst.skin_partition = skinpart elif skininst.skin_partition != None: skinpart = skininst.skin_partition skindata.skin_partition = skinpart else: # otherwise, create a new block and link it skinpart = NifFormat.NiSkinPartition() skindata.skin_partition = skinpart skininst.skin_partition = skinpart # set number of partitions skinpart.num_skin_partition_blocks = len(parts) skinpart.skin_partition_blocks.update_size() # maximize bone sharing, if requested if maximize_bone_sharing:"Maximizing shared bones.") # new list of partitions, sorted to maximize bone sharing newparts = [] # as long as there are parts to add while parts: # current set of partitions with shared bones # starts a new set of partitions with shared bones sharedparts = [parts.pop()] sharedboneset = sharedparts[0][0] # go over all other partitions, and try to add them with # shared bones oldparts = parts[:] parts = [] for otherpart in oldparts: # check if bones can be added if len(sharedboneset | otherpart[0]) <= maxbonesperpartition: # ok, we can share bones! # update set of shared bones sharedboneset |= otherpart[0] # add this other partition to list of shared parts sharedparts.append(otherpart) # update bone set in all shared parts for sharedpart in sharedparts: sharedpart[0] = sharedboneset else: # not added to sharedparts, # so we must keep it for the next iteration parts.append(otherpart) # update list of partitions newparts.extend(sharedparts) # store update parts = newparts # for Fallout 3, set dismember partition indices if isinstance(skininst, NifFormat.BSDismemberSkinInstance): skininst.num_partitions = len(parts) skininst.partitions.update_size() lastpart = None for bodypart, part in zip(skininst.partitions, parts): bodypart.body_part = part[2] if (lastpart is None) or (lastpart[0] != part[0]): # start new bone set, if bones are not shared bodypart.part_flag.start_new_boneset = 1 else: # do not start new bone set bodypart.part_flag.start_new_boneset = 0 # caps are invisible bodypart.part_flag.editor_visible = (part[2] < 100 or part[2] >= 1000) # store part for next iteration lastpart = part for skinpartblock, part in zip(skinpart.skin_partition_blocks, parts): # get sorted list of bones bones = sorted(list(part[0])) triangles = part[1]"Optimizing triangle ordering in partition %i" % parts.index(part)) # optimize triangles for vertex cache and calculate strips triangles = pyffi.utils.vertex_cache.get_cache_optimized_triangles( triangles) strips = pyffi.utils.vertex_cache.stable_stripify( triangles, stitchstrips=stitchstrips) triangles_size = 3 * len(triangles) strips_size = len(strips) + sum(len(strip) for strip in strips) vertices = [] # decide whether to use strip or triangles as primitive if stripify is None: stripifyblock = ( strips_size < triangles_size and all(len(strip) < 65536 for strip in strips)) else: stripifyblock = stripify if stripifyblock: # stripify the triangles # also update triangle list numtriangles = 0 # calculate number of triangles and get sorted # list of vertices # for optimal performance, vertices must be sorted # by strip for strip in strips: numtriangles += len(strip) - 2 for t in strip: if t not in vertices: vertices.append(t) else: numtriangles = len(triangles) # get sorted list of vertices # for optimal performance, vertices must be sorted # by triangle for tri in triangles: for t in tri: if t not in vertices: vertices.append(t) # set all the data skinpartblock.num_vertices = len(vertices) skinpartblock.num_triangles = numtriangles if not padbones: skinpartblock.num_bones = len(bones) else: if maxbonesperpartition != maxbonespervertex: raise ValueError( "when padding bones maxbonesperpartition must be " "equal to maxbonespervertex") # freedom force vs. the 3rd reich needs exactly 4 bones per # partition on every partition block skinpartblock.num_bones = maxbonesperpartition if stripifyblock: skinpartblock.num_strips = len(strips) else: skinpartblock.num_strips = 0 # maxbones would be enough as num_weights_per_vertex but the Gamebryo # engine doesn't like that, it seems to want exactly 4 even if there # are fewer skinpartblock.num_weights_per_vertex = maxbonespervertex skinpartblock.bones.update_size() for i, bonenum in enumerate(bones): skinpartblock.bones[i] = bonenum for i in range(len(bones), skinpartblock.num_bones): skinpartblock.bones[i] = 0 # dummy bone slots refer to first bone skinpartblock.has_vertex_map = True skinpartblock.vertex_map.update_size() for i, v in enumerate(vertices): skinpartblock.vertex_map[i] = v skinpartblock.has_vertex_weights = True skinpartblock.vertex_weights.update_size() for i, v in enumerate(vertices): for j in range(skinpartblock.num_weights_per_vertex): if j < len(weights[v]): skinpartblock.vertex_weights[i][j] = weights[v][j][1] else: skinpartblock.vertex_weights[i][j] = 0.0 if stripifyblock: skinpartblock.has_faces = True skinpartblock.strip_lengths.update_size() for i, strip in enumerate(strips): skinpartblock.strip_lengths[i] = len(strip) skinpartblock.strips.update_size() for i, strip in enumerate(strips): for j, v in enumerate(strip): skinpartblock.strips[i][j] = vertices.index(v) else: skinpartblock.has_faces = True # clear strip lengths array skinpartblock.strip_lengths.update_size() # clear strips array skinpartblock.strips.update_size() skinpartblock.triangles.update_size() for i, (v_1,v_2,v_3) in enumerate(triangles): skinpartblock.triangles[i].v_1 = vertices.index(v_1) skinpartblock.triangles[i].v_2 = vertices.index(v_2) skinpartblock.triangles[i].v_3 = vertices.index(v_3) skinpartblock.has_bone_indices = True skinpartblock.bone_indices.update_size() for i, v in enumerate(vertices): # the boneindices set keeps track of indices that have not been # used yet boneindices = set(range(skinpartblock.num_bones)) for j in range(len(weights[v])): skinpartblock.bone_indices[i][j] = bones.index(weights[v][j][0]) boneindices.remove(skinpartblock.bone_indices[i][j]) for j in range(len(weights[v]),skinpartblock.num_weights_per_vertex): if padbones: # if padbones is True then we have enforced # num_bones == num_weights_per_vertex so this will not trigger # a KeyError skinpartblock.bone_indices[i][j] = boneindices.pop() else: skinpartblock.bone_indices[i][j] = 0 # sort weights for i, v in enumerate(vertices): vweights = [] for j in range(skinpartblock.num_weights_per_vertex): vweights.append([ skinpartblock.bone_indices[i][j], skinpartblock.vertex_weights[i][j]]) if padbones: # by bone index (for ffvt3r) vweights.sort(key=lambda w: w[0]) else: # by weight (for fallout 3, largest weight first) vweights.sort(key=lambda w: -w[1]) for j in range(skinpartblock.num_weights_per_vertex): skinpartblock.bone_indices[i][j] = vweights[j][0] skinpartblock.vertex_weights[i][j] = vweights[j][1] return lostweight
# ported from nifskope/skeleton.cpp:spFixBoneBounds
[docs] def update_skin_center_radius(self): """Update centers and radii of all skin data fields.""" # shortcuts relevant blocks if not self.skin_instance: return # no skin, nothing to do self._validate_skin() geomdata = skininst = self.skin_instance skindata = verts = geomdata.vertices for skindatablock in skindata.bone_list: # find all vertices influenced by this bone boneverts = [verts[skinweight.index] for skinweight in skindatablock.vertex_weights] # find bounding box of these vertices low = NifFormat.Vector3() low.x = min(v.x for v in boneverts) low.y = min(v.y for v in boneverts) low.z = min(v.z for v in boneverts) high = NifFormat.Vector3() high.x = max(v.x for v in boneverts) high.y = max(v.y for v in boneverts) high.z = max(v.z for v in boneverts) # center is in the center of the bounding box center = (low + high) * 0.5 # radius is the largest distance from the center r2 = 0.0 for v in boneverts: d = center - v r2 = max(r2, d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y+d.z*d.z) radius = r2 ** 0.5 # transform center in proper coordinates (radius remains unaffected) center *= skindatablock.get_transform() # save data skindatablock.bounding_sphere_offset.x = center.x skindatablock.bounding_sphere_offset.y = center.y skindatablock.bounding_sphere_offset.z = center.z skindatablock.bounding_sphere_radius = radius
[docs] def get_interchangeable_tri_shape(self, triangles=None): """Returns a NiTriShape block that is geometrically interchangeable. If you do not want to set the triangles from the original shape, use the triangles argument. """ # copy the shape (first to NiTriBasedGeom and then to NiTriShape) shape = NifFormat.NiTriShape().deepcopy( NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeom().deepcopy(self)) # copy the geometry without strips shapedata = NifFormat.NiTriShapeData().deepcopy( NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeomData().deepcopy( # update the shape data if triangles is None: shapedata.set_triangles( else: shapedata.set_triangles(triangles) # relink the shape data = shapedata # and return the result return shape
[docs] def get_interchangeable_tri_strips(self, strips=None): """Returns a NiTriStrips block that is geometrically interchangeable. If you do not want to set the strips from the original shape, use the strips argument. """ # copy the shape (first to NiTriBasedGeom and then to NiTriStrips) strips_ = NifFormat.NiTriStrips().deepcopy( NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeom().deepcopy(self)) # copy the geometry without triangles stripsdata = NifFormat.NiTriStripsData().deepcopy( NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeomData().deepcopy( # update the shape data if strips is None: stripsdata.set_strips( else: stripsdata.set_strips(strips) # relink the shape data = stripsdata # and return the result return strips_
[docs] class NiTriShapeData: """ Example usage: >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> block = NifFormat.NiTriShapeData() >>> block.set_triangles([(0,1,2),(2,1,3),(2,3,4)]) >>> block.get_strips() [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] >>> block.get_triangles() [(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3), (2, 3, 4)] >>> block.set_strips([[1,0,1,2,3,4]]) >>> block.get_strips() # stripifier keeps geometry but nothing else [[0, 2, 1, 3], [2, 4, 3]] >>> block.get_triangles() [(0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 3), (2, 4, 3)] """
[docs] def get_triangles(self): return [(t.v_1, t.v_2, t.v_3) for t in self.triangles]
[docs] def set_triangles(self, triangles, stitchstrips = False): # note: the stitchstrips argument is ignored - only present to ensure # uniform interface between NiTriShapeData and NiTriStripsData # initialize triangle array n = len(triangles) self.num_triangles = n self.num_triangle_points = 3*n self.has_triangles = (n > 0) self.triangles.update_size() # set triangles to triangles array for dst_t, src_t in zip(self.triangles, triangles): dst_t.v_1, dst_t.v_2, dst_t.v_3 = src_t
[docs] def get_strips(self): return pyffi.utils.vertex_cache.stripify(self.get_triangles())
[docs] def set_strips(self, strips): self.set_triangles(pyffi.utils.tristrip.triangulate(strips))
[docs] class NiTriStripsData: """ Example usage: >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> block = NifFormat.NiTriStripsData() >>> block.set_triangles([(0,1,2),(2,1,3),(2,3,4)]) >>> block.get_strips() [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] >>> block.get_triangles() [(0, 1, 2), (1, 3, 2), (2, 3, 4)] >>> block.set_strips([[1,0,1,2,3,4]]) >>> block.get_strips() [[1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] >>> block.get_triangles() [(0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 3), (2, 4, 3)] """
[docs] def get_triangles(self): return pyffi.utils.tristrip.triangulate(self.points)
[docs] def set_triangles(self, triangles, stitchstrips = False): self.set_strips(pyffi.utils.vertex_cache.stripify( triangles, stitchstrips=stitchstrips))
[docs] def get_strips(self): return [[i for i in strip] for strip in self.points]
[docs] def set_strips(self, strips): # initialize strips array self.num_strips = len(strips) self.strip_lengths.update_size() numtriangles = 0 for i, strip in enumerate(strips): self.strip_lengths[i] = len(strip) numtriangles += len(strip) - 2 self.num_triangles = numtriangles self.points.update_size() self.has_points = (len(strips) > 0) # copy strips for i, strip in enumerate(strips): for j, idx in enumerate(strip): self.points[i][j] = idx
[docs] class RagdollDescriptor:
[docs] def update_a_b(self, transform): """Update B pivot and axes from A using the given transform.""" # pivot point pivot_b = ((7 * self.pivot_a.get_vector_3()) * transform) / 7.0 self.pivot_b.x = pivot_b.x self.pivot_b.y = pivot_b.y self.pivot_b.z = pivot_b.z # axes (rotation only) transform = transform.get_matrix_33() plane_b = self.plane_a.get_vector_3() * transform twist_b = self.twist_a.get_vector_3() * transform self.plane_b.x = plane_b.x self.plane_b.y = plane_b.y self.plane_b.z = plane_b.z self.twist_b.x = twist_b.x self.twist_b.y = twist_b.y self.twist_b.z = twist_b.z
[docs] class SkinData:
[docs] def get_transform(self): """Return scale, rotation, and translation into a single 4x4 matrix.""" return self.skin_transform.get_transform()
[docs] def set_transform(self, mat): """Set rotation, transform, and velocity.""" self.skin_transform.set_transform(mat)
[docs] class StringPalette:
[docs] def get_string(self, offset): """Return string at given offset. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> pal = NifFormat.StringPalette() >>> pal.add_string("abc") 0 >>> pal.add_string("def") 4 >>> print(pal.get_string(0).decode("ascii")) abc >>> print(pal.get_string(4).decode("ascii")) def >>> pal.get_string(5) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS pyffi.nif.stringpalette:WARNING:StringPalette: no string starts at offset 5 (string is b'ef', preceeding character is b'd') b'ef' >>> pal.get_string(100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ... """ _b00 = pyffi.object_models.common._b00 # shortcut # check that offset isn't too large if offset >= len(self.palette): raise ValueError( "StringPalette: getting string at %i " "but palette is only %i long" % (offset, len(self.palette))) # check that a string starts at this offset if offset > 0 and self.palette[offset-1:offset] != _b00: logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.nif.stringpalette") logger.warning( "StringPalette: no string starts at offset %i " "(string is %s, preceeding character is %s)" % ( offset, self.palette[offset:self.palette.find(_b00, offset)], self.palette[offset-1:offset], )) # return the string return self.palette[offset:self.palette.find(_b00, offset)]
[docs] def get_all_strings(self): """Return a list of all strings. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> pal = NifFormat.StringPalette() >>> pal.add_string("abc") 0 >>> pal.add_string("def") 4 >>> for x in pal.get_all_strings(): ... print(x.decode("ascii")) abc def >>> # pal.palette.decode("ascii") needs lstrip magic for py3k >>> print(repr(pal.palette.decode("ascii")).lstrip("u")) 'abc\\x00def\\x00' """ _b00 = pyffi.object_models.common._b00 # shortcut return self.palette[:-1].split(_b00)
[docs] def add_string(self, text): """Adds string to palette (will recycle existing strings if possible) and return offset to the string in the palette. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> pal = NifFormat.StringPalette() >>> pal.add_string("abc") 0 >>> pal.add_string("abc") 0 >>> pal.add_string("def") 4 >>> pal.add_string("") -1 >>> print(pal.get_string(4).decode("ascii")) def """ # empty text if not text: return -1 _b00 = pyffi.object_models.common._b00 # shortcut # convert text to bytes if necessary text = pyffi.object_models.common._as_bytes(text) # check if string is already in the palette # ... at the start if text + _b00 == self.palette[:len(text) + 1]: return 0 # ... or elsewhere offset = self.palette.find(_b00 + text + _b00) if offset != -1: return offset + 1 # if no match, add the string if offset == -1: offset = len(self.palette) self.palette = self.palette + text + _b00 self.length += len(text) + 1 # return the offset return offset
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all strings in the palette. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> pal = NifFormat.StringPalette() >>> pal.add_string("abc") 0 >>> pal.add_string("def") 4 >>> # pal.palette.decode("ascii") needs lstrip magic for py3k >>> print(repr(pal.palette.decode("ascii")).lstrip("u")) 'abc\\x00def\\x00' >>> pal.clear() >>> # pal.palette.decode("ascii") needs lstrip magic for py3k >>> print(repr(pal.palette.decode("ascii")).lstrip("u")) '' """ self.palette = pyffi.object_models.common._b # empty bytes object self.length = 0
[docs] class TexCoord:
[docs] def as_list(self): return [self.u, self.v]
[docs] def normalize(self): r = (self.u*self.u + self.v*self.v) ** 0.5 if r < NifFormat.EPSILON: raise ZeroDivisionError('cannot normalize vector %s'%self) self.u /= r self.v /= r
def __str__(self): return "[ %6.3f %6.3f ]"%(self.u, self.v) def __mul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = self.u * x v.v = self.v * x return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.TexCoord): return self.u * x.u + self.v * x.v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply TexCoord with %s"%x.__class__) def __rmul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = x * self.u v.v = x * self.v return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply %s and TexCoord"%x.__class__) def __add__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = self.u + x v.v = self.v + x return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.TexCoord): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = self.u + x.u v.v = self.v + x.v return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to add TexCoord and %s"%x.__class__) def __radd__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = x + self.u v.v = x + self.v return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to add %s and TexCoord"%x.__class__) def __sub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = self.u - x v.v = self.v - x return v elif isinstance(x, NifFormat.TexCoord): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = self.u - x.u v.v = self.v - x.v return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to substract TexCoord and %s"%x.__class__) def __rsub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, (float, int)): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = x - self.u v.v = x - self.v return v else: raise TypeError("do not know how to substract %s and TexCoord"%x.__class__) def __neg__(self): v = NifFormat.TexCoord() v.u = -self.u v.v = -self.v return v
if __name__=='__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()